Jess - 03:41 am

Where are u?? Callum was being weird so I left

Jess- 04:00am 

Did you go back to mine?

Jess - 04:30am 

Kinda worried now. Where did u go?? 

Olivia - 04:40am 

At Harry's. Don't tell ur mum

Jess - 04:43 


Did u shag him? 

Olivia - 04:45 

No. I wish though :(

Jess - 04:50 

Lol, have fun  ;)

As soon as Harry had finished reading the text messages Olivia started to stir, he jumped back onto the bed and pulled out his phone as if he was there the whole time. He felt his heart race and kept thinking of the last message Olivia had sent. 

Olivia sat upright and rubbed her eyes, her mascara rubbing off onto the palm of her hand. 

"Um, Harry?" she said 

"Yeah?" he replied, scrolling through Twitter

"Could I shower here?" she asked coyly

Harry nodded and went to retrieve a towel for her, when he entered the room Olivia was now standing up, her lower half exposed, covered only by a small thong that Jess had insisted she wore so she wouldn't ruin the look of the dress. She crouched down beside the bed and hid.

"Sorry. Fuck. Sorry. Fuck" Harry shouted, throwing the towel onto the bed and leaving the room, resting his head against the door and although mortified, Harry couldn't stop thinking that the comments Ryan had made the night before about Olivias behind were incredibly accurate. 

The door opened and Olivia peeked her head around, her lower half now wrapped with the towel. She let out a laugh as Harry looked around aimlessly, trying his hardest to look anywhere but at her. He showed her the upstairs bathroom and how to work the shower and left her be, he even stole his mum's makeup wipes and left them in the bathroom. 

The water trickled down Olivia's back as she stood thinking about the events of the night before, what had happened when they got into Harry's house and how much she had wished something more happened. 

When they returned from the party they stumbled through the door and into Harry's bedroom. He pulled her down onto the bed and kissed her fervently while she began unbuttoning his blue shirt, the beads and sequins on the dress scratched at his skin a little bit but in the moment he wasn't bothered. Olivia pulled the tight dress up over her head to reveal a small thong and a strapless bra that kept falling so she decided it would be better off to just take it off. They laughed between kisses as Harry kicked his trousers off and Olivia wrapped her legs around him, pulling herself on top of him. She began to feel Harry get hard underneath her before he pulled away and said he couldn't while they were both in the states they were. He handed her an old football top and fell asleep soon after, she texted Jess to let her know where she was and cuddled in beside Harry before falling asleep herself. 

Olivia turned off the water and stepped out, grabbing a makeup wipe and removing the remainder of the makeup she had left on her face. She examined herself in the mirror and noticed a small purple mark on her breast she hadn't before, she smirked at this and pulled the old football top back on, doing as she did before and wrapping the other half of the towel around her waist. 

When Olivia opened the door to Harry's bedroom he was sat up playing a game on his Xbox, his hair a tousled mess and his face plastered with a stern look as he concentrated. Olivia unwrapped the towel from herself as she sat down on the bed and began to towel dry her hair. Harry glanced over at her and took this as a chance to truly see her features. Her cheeks were flushed due to the hot water in the shower and although she had wiped her makeup off she still had a thin line of black around her lower lash line. She had bright eyes that were different from any he had seen before, no hint of blue but too light to be considered green, her skin was littered with freckles and when she smiled she had a singular dimple on her right cheek. Despite seeing this girl in what would be considered undesirable Harry couldn't think of anyone more beautiful than her at this moment. 

"Come on, you said you'd teach me, you need to take me home in an hour," Olivia said, turning to Harry and motioning to the controller. 

After Harry finished his current game he taught Olivia the basics of FIFA, letting her win one game before destroying her in the next ones. Olivia attempted to shove him and he caught her wrist, pushing her backwards, taking a position on top of her. They paused for a minute, taking the current position in and getting their breath back. Olivia moved toward Harry and pulled him down on top of her, their lips crashing together and moulding together perfectly. 

"Wait your family" she stopped 

"They went to my grans. I'm going after I drop you off" he breathed, continuing to kiss down Olivias neck 

"So we're in alone?" Olivia asked, pulling back a bit to see Harry's reaction. He nodded and leaned back down to continue kissing her. 

Harry's hands travelled under the old football top and cupped Olivia's breasts, the cold temperature giving Olivia a small jolt, she sighed deeply as she started fumbling with the tie on Harry's sweatpants, feeling him get more and more excited under her touch, he pulled his hoodie off over his head and threw it on the ground beside Olivias discarded dress, next came the football top and the sweatpants and the pair were left in their underwear.

"Is this okay?" Harry asked whilst playing with the band of the underwear Olivia was wearing. 

Olivia swallowed hard and nodded. She was undeniably attracted to him and had been for a while. The first time she noticed it was during summer when she, Jess, and Rachel were watching the boys play football in the park. Olivia didn't particularly enjoy gawking over the boys like her friends but this one time she did. The sun was shining and the park was filled, Callum had begged Jess to come so he could show off how much he had been working out over the summer. Harry played in defence but didn't really take it seriously. He sat kicking a rock on the pitch about for most of the game. He wore a football jersey and a pair of grey cotton shorts that Jess pointed out "You could see his dick in" and after that revelation was made Olivia didn't feel like watching anyone else. She thought about this now as he pulled down her underwear and how she had often made up scenarios about him before she went to bed at night to help get her to sleep. This, however, was no scenario and it was actually physically happening to her. 

Harry's hands trailed down Olivia's body shakily, stopping before he reached her middle.

"I've done this like once by the way so if this is shit I'm really sorry" He admitted causing the pair to burst out laughing before Harry proceeded.

Olivia let out a small moan and attempted to pull down the only layer between Harry and Olivia before he did it himself. He removed his hand from where it was and leaned over to his drawers to get a condom, when he did so he noticed the time on Olivia's phone.

"It's 12:03," he said disappointedly

"I can go home at 1" She smirked, pulling the covers away from her body signalling for him to get in beside her. 

Our Little Secret - Harry Lewis, WroetoshawWhere stories live. Discover now