She gave me a surprised look, but before she could say a word I extended my arm out. She linked her arm with mine. We were so close I could smell her perfume. It was bringing me over the edge. If I don't control myself, I might not be able to stop myself from trying to kiss her. That's saying even if I got a slim chance, which is highly unlikely.


'I'm really craving Italian food now,' I thought as I pulled up to a little Italian restaurant.

"I love this place!" Olivia squealed, looking at me with a smile.

I swear my heart skipped a beat.

I gave her a smile as I got out of the car. I quickly made my way over to the side so I could open the door for her. Might as well show the lady I had some manners.I held out my hand hoping that she would take it, and to my surprise, she did. She got out of the car grabbing onto my arm as we both made our way inside the restaurant.

The restaurant was old fashion, but still nice. It really shouted Italy. I think that's what I love most about it, after the amazing food of course.

We sat a table that was near far corner of the restaurant. I love the corner seats, they give the most privacy. We both ordered our food, and I was surprised when she ordered the same thing as me.

'Benson you have amazing taste,' I thought as I looked at her.

She was taking a drink of her wine. She looked stunning as she swirled around her drink.

Before I could register what was about to happen. Olivia leaned slightly on the table placing her hand on top of mine. I swear I felt electricity. I couldn't help, but let a smile escape my lips.

"Thank you Rafael. This," she gestured around with her hand, "is lovely."

"No problem," I didn't want her to move her hand.

I wanted her hand to stay longer. I wanted her touch. No, I needed her touch.

"Are you smiling Rafael? Do you actually have feelings? I'm shock," she said placing her hand over her chest with a shocked face. I didn't realize that I was still smiling. I quickly put a blank look on.

"No I'm not. I don't know what you're talking about," I said smiling again.

"You know, I can't remember the last time I actually had a good time," she looked at me knowingly.

"I know the feeling all too well," she replied with a half-hearted smile as our food arrived.

"It looks delicious!" Olivia stated as she started to dig into her food.

I looked at her for a while in a daze.

'She truly is amazing,' I quickly snapped out of my daze, looking down at my plate of untouched food.

Throughout the time we were eating me and Olivia would have arguments about little things. These conversations helped me forget that she was a detective and I was a DA. It was fun just sitting and talking like every other person in the world, but I knew it wouldn't last that long.

Soon the day would end and I'll have to be left alone again.

'Olivia please never leave me,' I begged in my thoughts as she gave me a smiled.

'I think I'm falling for you.' I can't believe I just admitted that to myself.

"Rafael?" Olivia asked, placing her hand on top of mine. I quickly came out of my thoughts and back into reality.

"Yeah?" I asked looking at her beautiful face.

"I had a lovely time. Thank you," she smiled at me. That smile was a smile that would melt my heart away.

Falling For The DAHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin