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 "Melody Parker, meet the only other one of your kind, Aiden Garrett.”


Hello! I've had this idea in my head for a while now and decided to start a story. This story is about the life of a teenage girl, around fifteen, who happens to have wings. Is she an angel? I don't know for sure. Anyway, the story follows her life in school, at home, the drama, the adventures, and the boys. Much will happen once I get the story actually started.... ideas would be nice :)

I've decided to change things around a bit. Instead of the stroy just being about her life, I've decided to throw in something more. Like the fact that she is constantly in the news because people have always wondered if she was the only one born the way she is, with wings and all. Maybe even powers? I think so :) I think I'm going to switch the story around.

So, is she the only one on earth born this way?

Thanks, and enjoy reading! :) <3



I'm an average teenage girl. I go to school like an average teenage girl. I eat and drink like an average teenage girl. That's how I think. Actually, that's how I would like to think.

Unfortunately for me, that's not possible.

Oh! You're probably thinking why.... Well, I know it's a small pathetic reason but...

I have wings.

Ok, maybe not that small of a reason.

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