"When?" Yu Hao asked again.

Zhou Sheng, "The first time you came to my house for the New Year."

Yu Hao nodded. Zhou Sheng was a little uneasy, he asked, "Are you angry?"

"No." Yu Hao shook his head. At this moment, he realized that another door appeared in the cement room, but it faced another direction in its original position.

Yu Hao pushed the door open, and sunshine shone in. They had returned to the surface world of his memories.

"This is so amazing." Yu Hao exclaimed.

"This memory was restored," Zhou Sheng walked under the sun and said to Yu Hao, "So it appeared on the surface world, where it should have been."

They were in a gingko forest, right in the back garden of the palace. There were no NPCs nearby, and the entire scene appeared both tranquil and strange. Yu Hao said, "It's so close to my totem?"

"It would be too odd for a place like this to appear in the palace." Zhou Sheng explained, "It's not that I don't respect you."

"Indeed." Yu Hao said, "If it were me, I would want to move this away too. That's it then, I still need to think about it more, good..."

Suddenly, a violent tremor started, and there was an upheaval in the dream world. Yu Hao and Zhou Sheng woke up one after another.

"Yu Hao?" Fu Liqun's face appeared in front of him.

"I'm sorry, I thought you guys shouldn't be doing anything important." Chen Yekai said outside the door, "But a sudden incident cropped up, I don't think it can be dragged out any longer."

Zhou Sheng got up. Yu Hao looked at his phone. Chen Yekai had called him several times in the middle of the night, but his phone was on silent mode, so he hadn't answered any of them.

Ou Qihang said, "Were you guys in a dream? Why didn't you call us too?"

Yu Hao said, "It's just something trivial...What happened?"

Chen Yekai showed Yu Hao his phone. On it was the message he sent out in the middle of the night last night—【Huang Ting's missing】.

Yu Hao sobered up in an instant. 5.30 AM, Chen Yekai had obviously rushed over and didn't sleep all night.

"Before Huang Ting disappeared, the last person he saw was you." Chen Yekai asked, "Did he say where he was going?"

Yu Hao was still not entirely lucid. He struggled to shake his head. Zhou Sheng heated a few cups of milk in the microwave, placed them on the table, and said, "I was about to look for you guys too, just got back last night, so I haven't had the time to. Now that everyone's here, let's exchange the information that we have ba."

Yu Hao forced himself to drink some milk first, then said quickly, "The inside story is really complicated...but I didn't expect this, why did he go missing? Why did they catch him?"

"Speak slowly," Ou Qihang said, "Don't be anxious."

Yu Hao started recalling from the afternoon when he met Huang Ting. Fu Liqun had just heard the inside story as well, and when everyone heard the part where Huang Ting was sick, they all fell silent for a moment.

"He asked me to contact a doctor for him." Chen Yekai said, "Is he that ill? Have you seen the medication he's taking?"

Yu Hao shrugged and narrated almost everything about Huang Ting and the Golden Crow Wheel. Everyone was silent. Zhou Sheng looked at Chen Yekai and said, "Not much different from what we had guessed."

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