Yu Hao wanted to say something, but stopped. Zhou Sheng nodded in response and stood with Chen Yekai and Ou Qihang at one side of the platform. They watched Fu Liqun and Dark Fu Liqun stare at each other from afar on the battlefield.

"You can't defeat me." Dark Fu Liqun said, "Since you've already been banished, why come back again?"

Fu Liqun answered, "Yes, you're right, I've always been running away for a very long time."

Dark Fu Liqun said, "They let you come back, so you came back? Aside from Zhou Sheng and Yu Hao, do you even have any other motivations?"

When Yu Hao saw Dark Fu Liqun, he couldn't help but recall Dark Zhou Sheng—Satan in his arena. Since the gatekeeper is Fu Liqun himself, then who would be in front of his totem? He couldn't help but look up, only to see that on the other side of the palace, concealed within the dark clouds, the dust storms that obscured the sky seemed to be swirling over from there.

"No." Fu Liqun said, "I'm doing this for myself."

Dark Fu Liqun lowered his head slightly and stared at Fu Liqun. A gust of wind blew by. Fu Liqun appeared in blue sportswear attire from head to toe. His jacket was open, revealing his sturdy chest, and his lapels fluttered in the wind.

"You have never lived for yourself." Fu Liqun said, "You have always been living for others all your life; for Cen Shan, for your friends, for the expectations your parents have of you..."

"Yes." Fu Liqun nodded, "You're right."

A dust storm swept by. Fu Liqun crouched slightly, just like how he did on the basketball court. He watched his opponent's posture closely. Sand blown over by the wind swept across the platform in an instant. Zhou Sheng raised his hand and blocked in front of Yu Hao.

Within the billowing dust storm, Fu Liqun's earnest voice rang out.

"Ever since I was a kid," Fu Liqun said, "I've never really lived for myself. I've never been able to break free from the evaluations other people had of me no matter what I did. Whether it was my parents, my teachers, or my friends...I thought I was an outstanding person. It's just that all those displays were just for show."

"So?" Dark Fu Liqun said from within the sandstorm, "Now you want to be yourself?"

"Not exactly." Fu Liqun raised his finger. On his index finger, sand swirled and coalesced into a ball of light that rotated rapidly. The sand storm seemed to treat this rotating ball of light as its core as it formed into a whirlpool and was yanked over! The dust storm cleared up, and Yu Hao clearly saw the scene before him once again.

"I can't become the person other people want me to be," Fu Liqun said seriously, "I can't live a marvelous life others imagine, but there is one thing I can be sure of. And that is——"

"No matter what I become, there will always be someone who will depend on me!" Fu Liqun shouted angrily, and the ball of light in his hand transformed again — it elongated into a halberd that looked almost the same as the one Dark Fu Liqun wielded, then his figure blurred as he fiercely shot over!

Fu Liqun and his dark self collided, stirring up a mad storm in the process. Yu Hao shouted, "Gege! Jiayou!"

Zhou Sheng shouted, "You can win!"

Fu Liqun was dressed in blue sportswear, while Dark Fu Liqun was clad in leather armor from head to toe. Both sides clashed resoundingly, separated, then collided again. Two halberds came to blows with each other and emitted many deafening clangs. Yu Hao's vision was a blur as he watched; if it weren't for their different attires, he would hardly be able to tell which was the enemy and which Fu Liqun was the one from their side.

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