"Oh, Jamie brilliant. Get in the picture, come on" Jean said ushering him to stand beside Olivia

"You're not posting this on Facebook, are you? Auntie Eileen called me fat last time" he whined

"She does not think the pair of you are fat!" Jean exclaimed

"Her Facebook comments say otherwise" Olivia mumbled before her brother could throw an arm around her for their mum to snap a picture

"Gorgeous! Now behave tonight you two, and Jamie please no girls back tonight" Jean said

"Mum!" Jamie groaned clearly very embarrassed at the comment.

Jamie took Olivia's arm and pulled her outside to the car where plastic bags littered the backseat filled with bottles and cans of alcohol. He passed Olivia a blue bag that had a bottle of vodka and a carton of cranberry juice.

"Thanks, J," She said buckling her seatbelt and putting the bag at her feet.

They put the radio on and sang loudly to the "Top 10 best dance anthems of 2013" countdown on the channel before he pulled up to Jess's house.

"See you tonight?" Jamie said before pulling the handbrake up

"Yeah yeah. If Jess isn't too wrecked by the time we leave" Olivia said

"I can take you both the now if you want? Saves you trying to get a taxi, it'll be mobbed tonight Liv and I would feel better knowing you guys got there safe" Jamie said staring up at the worn brick on Jess's house

Olivia nodded and called Jess telling her to come down, it took all of two minutes before Jess busted out her door, heels in one hand, bottle in the other, and smiled a big toothy smile at the siblings in the beat-up Clio before clamouring into the backseat, among the bottles of booze.

"All this for me Jamie? You shouldn't have " she gushed grabbing a bottle of vodka

"Oi! That's for the ones actually of age, paws off" He called behind him

Jess rolled her eyes at the statement and plugged in her seatbelt before taking a swig of her Bacardi and making a face at Jamie behind his back which Olivia laughed at. By the time they arrived at the party, it was around quarter to 9 and it was in full swing, the girls exited the car while Jamie found a parking space on the packed street and headed up the cobbled path, Jess struggling to keep herself upright due to her heels. The sound of dance music could be heard from down the street and groups of teens filled the driveway and the rooms inside. Olivia felt overwhelmed with the sheer amount of people in attendance, she didn't even recognise half of them.

They entered the kitchen to be greeted by the host, a boy named Callum who Jess really fancied, who everyone fancied really. The girls placed their bags onto the kitchen counter and took a plastic cup from Callum to begin the night. Olivia poured a large vodka which gained a few eyes from her friend and the boys around.

"You sure you can handle that Olivia?" a boy Thomas asked

"If she can't Jamie will just need to take her home" his friend Ryan snorted making a dig

"I think I'll be okay" Olivia winked before walking out of the stuffy kitchen into the cool night of the back garden for a cigarette

Take Care by Rihanna played loudly behind her, even with the back door closed. There were a few people outside with her, mostly couples looking for a more private area and a group of boys passing around a joint and laughing. One of the boys she noticed the most was Harry Lewis, Olivia found herself staring at him for just a bit longer than any other boy. He looked up at her and looked away quickly when he met her eyes, inhaling sharply and coughing up smoke. She quickly looked away and finished her cigarette, putting it out on the ashtray and heading back inside.

Our Little Secret - Harry Lewis, WroetoshawWhere stories live. Discover now