
You woke up the next morning and saw that the top half of you was on the floor of your dorm while the other half was on the bed. You groaned and slowly sat up, rubbing the sleep out of your tired eyes.

You heard the other girls in your dorm groaning as well, all looking very worn out.

"Ugh, I'm never drinking again." You heard Marlene say. You laughed at her words, causing you to wince a bit.

"You always say that Mar, but you never stick to it." You said.

"Yeah, I know." she laughed. You rolled your eyes and kicked your legs off your bed, slowly standing up and making your way to the bathroom.

You took a quick shower, and got dressed in your uniform. Maybe having a party a day before Monday wasn't the best idea.

You walked out of the bathroom and let the others get ready. When they were all finally finished, you all made your way to the Great Hall for breakfast.


Classes were finally over for the day, and you were exhausted. You slumped down onto the comfy couch in the Gryffindor common, carelessly throwing your school bag to the side.

"(Y/N), we have to do that essay for potions." Lily said, standing in front of you with her hands on her hips.

"But I don't want to." You whined.

"Come on," she said, grabbing your arms and pulling you up.

"Fine." You huffed, grabbing your bag and walking over to a desk, sitting down as Lily did the same.

As we were about to get started, the marauders came bustling in.

"Hey, what're guys doing?" Sirius asked you.

"Working on our potions essay." You grumbled.

"Oh, I forgot about that." Sirius said. "I should probably work on it, right?"

"Yeah, probably. Although I never thought you were one to actually get woke done on time." You smirked.

"Ha, ha, very funny." Sirius said dryly. "I can get my work done on time, thank you very much."

He walked over to his school bag and pulled out his potions textbook, parchment, a quill, and some ink, sitting down on the couch.

You saw him stare down at his textbook for a few seconds.

"I need some tea." he said suddenly.

He grabbed Remus' tea cup and drank a sip, ignoring the dirty look Remus was giving him, and opened up his book.

You shook your head at him and turned back to your essay, when suddenly you heard him spit out his drink.

You snapped your head up to see him staring at his at his textbook, his eyes wide and his mouth hanging open.

"What is it?" You asked him, your eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

He cleared his throat and hastily put all of his things away. "N-nothing. Nothing at all."

He quickly swept past you and ran up to his dorm.

"What was that all about?" Lily questioned. You just shrugged your shoulders.

"Should I got check on him?" You asked, more to yourself. You thought for a moment. "Okay, I will."

You walked up the boys dormitories staircase and entered Sirius' dorm. He looked up from his spot on his bed when he heard you walk in.

"Oh, hi." he said, quickly looking away from you.

"Um, are you alright?" You asked, walking over to him and sitting on the edge of his bed.

"Yes. Totally fine." he said, his eyes darting from his potions textbook next to him and back to the empty wall in front of him.

You looked down at his potions textbook in confusion, when suddenly you saw something sticking out of the pages.

You looked back up at Sirius, who didn't dare look at you, and back down at the book. You quickly snatched the item from between the books, and you saw that it was a rather scandalous polaroid picture...of you.

"Oh. My. God."

Sirius finally looked up at you, his eyes widening at seeing the picture that was in your hand.

"How did this - when did I - how do you have this picture of me!?" You finally said after a few moments of silence.

"I don't know!" Sirius said breathlessly. "I just found it in my textbook."

"But I don't remember..." You trailed off, thinking about the party last night. It was all coming back to you in a whirlpool of memories. How Lily had asked to take a picture of you, how you made sure to look "hot", and how you had went up to Sirius' dorm and slipped it into his textbook.

"Merlin's beard." You breathed out. "I did that."

"...what?" Sirius questioned.

"Lily took that photo of me last night and I went to your dorm and put it in your book."

"You did that?" he said, looking shocked.

You simply nodded your head, horrified at what your drunk self did.

"Um, I'm ganna go now." You said awkwardly. As you made your way the door, Sirius stopped you.

"Why did you do that?"

You gulped, slowly turning around on your heel to face Sirius again.

"Well - you know - I was drunk and I wasn't thinking rationally." You said casually, though you had a feeling Sirius could sense the nervousness in your voice.

"Are you lying to me?" he asked you softly.

"Lying? Of course not! I'm definitely not lyi - alright, yes I am."

This was something that annoyed you greatly about Sirius. You, for some reason, had an incapability to lie to him. You thought it might have something to do with the expression he gives when he knows your lying and wants you to admit it.

"The truth is, I wasn't lying completely, but the main reason I did this was because..." You took a deep breath, "I like you. A lot."

Sirius stared at you, his eyes slightly wide, his mouth parted open a bit. He looked like his brain had stopped, and he forgot all forms of communication he knew. You stood there for a few minutes, waiting for his answer, thinking he was going to laugh at you for saying such a thing.

"Really?" he finally croaked out. His voice sounded hopeful and excited, which confused you greatly.

You nodded your head, looking down at your feet, your face heating up from embarrassment. Embarrassed that you had actually confessed something like this to him, and embarrassed he was going to reject you.

You heard the bed creak, causing you snap your head up. Sirius had stood up and walked straight up to you, his face inches from yours.

"Well that's good," he whispered, "because I do too." And without a second thought, he leaned in and kissed you.

You instantly kissed him back, the butterflies in your stomach fluttering like crazy. It was better than you could have ever imagined.

You finally pulled apart from each other to breathe, and you stared at him, words failing to describe how happy you were feeling.

It seemed Sirius was at lost of words once again, and he kissed you once more, which said everything that words wouldn't be able to do.


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