Chapter 33- Not Again

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But again, why? And what was it-?

"... Let us stop with this squabbling and end it at this, Rogue. You cannot hope to best a Dragon, not as you are."

Rogue went stiff as a board, rigid and eyes wide at the sudden rumbling voice- the Dragon now suddenly settling into sitting on it's haunches before him and addressing him, but wha-?!

"... H... How do you know my name...?" Rogue stammered, and the Dragon huffed.

"We have orders to spare you, and only you." The Dragon said simply, "You alone will live through this destruction and despair, and in the aftermath- become king."

Rogue hissed, a shiver running up his spine for the cryptic words and gritting his teeth. "What is that supposed to mean...?! I have no idea what you're talking about, and I have no desire to be 'king' of any sort..!" He snapped back lowly. "Who gave you these orders to spare me..?! What is all this about...?!" He growled, and the Dragon tilted it's head slightly, it's lips curling in what almost seemed a wry little smirk, and it let out a breath.

"Why... You gave me the orders, Rogue." It replied simply, and Rogue stiffened in confusion and surprise.


"Well, you from seven years in the future, from this day." The Dragon elaborated slightly, and Rogue felt his heart skip a beat, his red eyes going wide and stuck in his place.

Me... From... Seven years in...?

The Dragon lift a clawed hand and gestured toward the surrounding area, "All of this going on, the destruction, the chaos, summoning us Dragons and bringing us here, making sure the Eclipse Gate was opened- and ordering us to lay waste to humankind... All of this, is done at your hand, and at your will." It rumbled, those claws moving slowly and pointing directly at the dark-haired man before it, Rogue utterly rigid in his place and mind reeling. "It is all part of your plan to become Dragon King, and rule us all from here on- in a world where Dragon's reign supreme, but where we will all still bow to you. It is a future you are working toward, at all costs."

Rogue shivered again, a terrible chill running rampant up his spine while that sick feeling in his core got about a hundred times worse.

"... N-no... That can't be true... I would never do anything like this, for any reason...!" Rogue stammered in reply, quick to deny it though he really didn't sound as sure as he wanted, and the Dragon only shook it's head once.

"You already have." Was the solemn response and Rogue flinched a little for it, red eyes glinting like mad and hands balling tightly into fists at his sides.

"No...! I would never do this, I would never try to destroy everything...! You are lying!" He hissed, his eyes flashing as he shook his head furiously, the Dragon just sighed.

"... Deny it all you wish, but you know yourself better than anyone- you must know there is Darkness in you." The Dragon grumbled, "You are a Shadow Dragon Slayer, you live and breathe in Darkness with your Element... Shadow Magic comes at a price, it stained you the moment you began to learn it, you know that. You've had demons and Darkness lurking at your heels all your life, no matter how much you resist or ignore them... This is an inevitability." It told him, "There are some Magics in this world that always lead to Darkness, and yours is one of them. You have been tainted, you know this- and that stain in you will only grow and fester, until eventually you are swallowed whole. The Evil in you will win out in the end, there is no escaping that, it is your fate."

Rogue grit his teeth hard, red eyes burning and hands shaking at his sides for the words. He glowered as hard as he could, but ended up looking increasingly more unsure under the intense look the beast gave him next.

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