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A deep howl fills the night, as I look up at  the full moon. Its been years since a night like this and it can only mean one thing.... VAMPIRES!!!

As i walk home, i hear a voice in my head. Suddenly I feel cold hands upon my shoulders. I turn around to see nothing, but the dim showing of my own shadow, hardly seeable. So out of what i would normally do, i just keep walking. It gets very cold all of a sudden, and then i felt warm air against my neck, then every thing goes... black. Days latter I woke up in the hospital, but there was something weird about this hospital, all the doctors are super pale and have teeth that almost look like... like fangs!? I wonder if their all dressed in costumes, but they can't be, unless its like halloween or something already. But it can't possible be because that would mean that i have been asleep for like a hole year, but I could not have been asleep that long, honestly it really only feel like I have been asleep for a couple of hours!! 

"Hello," said a voice coming from the door "My name is doctor Bloods... Dr. Blodsern." He looked kind of puzzeled when he said his name. I was very weak at this moment but not so weak that i couldn't sit up.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2011 ⏰

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