The Queen Of Darkness

Start from the beginning

One night one of the guards over heard the king make his wish. He knew that if somehow helped the King, he would be granted with whatever he wanted. The guard, coincidently, knew about the Princess of Night. So he went to her and told her about the King's wish for Darkness.

Princess Tajin went to the palace of the king, and asked if what the guard told her was true.Barthalemu told her what the guard said was true, and that he really did wish for Darkness. True to his word, the king presented the guard with a pot of gold, which was what the Guard

requested for his help.

Princess Tajin told the king that she would be able to bring him the night anytime he wanted it, so the king said he would marry her and make her queen. However, the princess did have one request, that if he were to marry her, that no matter what, she shall remain queen forever. The king of course agreed to her request and they were married.

The king lived very happily with his queen by his side. She gave him the one thing he wanted the most, the night. Everywhere she appeared, the darkness came rolling in with her. This made the King very glad, for a while. But after living in solitary darkness for about a year, he started to feel very depressed. His palace was dark all day and all night, so he no longer had the luxury of light. Honestly, he couldn't enjoy the day, because there was nothing but darkness around him.

Due to his unhappiness, the king had another wish. So every night, before he went to sleep, he'd wish the same exact thing. Every night, he would look out his window and speak to the darkness. He would say, "I wish that I could find someone who could bring to me light, for as

long as I please. If they were a man, I would give him whatever he yearned for. If they were a woman, I should marry her and make her my queen."

Queen Tajin heard the King, and knew of his woes. She told him that she would get her sister, Astimah to help him. The king was delighted to hear that she knew of someone that could help, so he sent her to fetch her sister. She, as her older sister had, requested that she become his Queen. The King quickly agreed to this, and they were married.

Now that the King had day and night in the palm of his hands, he was extremely pleased. Both of his Queens stayed in different parts of the palace, so it was separated by light, and darkness. It was a truly amazing sight to see.

One day, the King was out taking in a breath of fresh air, walking around the palace with the Queen of France whom had decided to visit him that day. She had noticed that the King had a large garden that was quite poor and she told him, "You know, if you took good care of your garden, it could be the most stunning garden in the whole kingdom."

That night, as the king laid his head down to sleep, he thought about what the Queen of France had told him. He decided that she could be right, but he would need to get his hands on the perfect soil, to havethe perfect garden.

Thus being, the King had another wish. So every night, before he went to sleep, he'd wish the same exact thing. Every night, he would look out his window and speak to the darkness. He would say, "I wish that I could find someone who could bring to me the perfect soil, to make my perfect garden. If they were a man, I would give him whatever he yearned for. If they were a woman, I should marry her and make her my queen."

Queen Tajin heard the kings wish again, so she told him about her sister Sagineek, the Princess of Sand. She told him that she would be able to make the perfect soil, for his perfect garden. So, the king sent for Princess Sagineek immediately, and like both her sisters, she had the same request. The king agreed, and they too were married.

Now that the king had what he wished for, he was very happy. Unfortunately though, it didn't rain that much over his garden, so nothing beautiful bloomed like it was supposed to. The king went to

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