Boarding School

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       Returning to my family's empty mansion was just depressing. My footsteps echoed through the loneliness of the foyer, and the halls sang with sadness from the absence of my parents. I'd barely made it through the door, when my phone began to ring in my pocket. I instinctively answered it, without seeing who had called. 

     "Hello, Jason speaking." I answered. 

     "Jason, honey! Oh, are you alright? Where are you, where did they send you?"

     I recognized the sweet and gentle voice as my aunt's. "I'm alright, Helen- I mean Auntie." I say. "I'm back home."

"Oh, thank goodness. It's a good thing they sent you there, and not some... some orphanage! My husband will be sending someone to pick you up soon, so get your things." she added. 

     "Pick me up? Where am I going?" I gulped. The idea of my strict uncle sending me somewhere against my will was not something to anticipate.

     "Something academy ... I'm not sure, but I know it's a Boarding School! Isn't it great, bumpkin? Oh, but there won't be any girls there. You know Richard, he's not a fan of goofing off when it comes to studying."

     "Wait, boarding school? What about my homeschooling?" I asked.

     "The details will be explained on the way, sugar bear. Now pack your things! Don't forget your toothbrush!" She giggled, considering her jokes were funny to no one but herself. 

      "On the way to where? You're not making me go back there, are you?" My strained voice insinuating my patience for her. 

     "Oh, yes, yes! Here, in London! I told Richard, it was too soon I said. Jason's parents were just blown up, for Pete sake I said. I stood up for you bumpkin, but he wasn't having it. So you pack your things, and you let the pilot fly you here okay? Okay, bye, sweets!" Her voice disappeared with the end of the call.


 My uncle later informed me that all of my school supplies, including my uniform, would be waiting for me in my new dorm room so that I wouldn't have to travel with them on the plane. 

     It was late in the afternoon, and the sun had just begun to recede behind thick and heavy London clouds. Seeing as it was my hometown, I had memories of the rain beating down on my face as a child, while I searched outside for frogs and other wild animals. High school had moved me to abroad; I had been in America until the event of my parents passing. I now returned nostalgic fog that set low on the ground, setting an eire scene when I arrived at the school. 

     "Your suitcase should be attended to by the school staff, so please pay them no mind, Sir. Wilson." The chauffeur glided to open my door, revealing the chilly whether to my chapped skin. 

     The old-timey academy was built almost entirely of brick, a huge and beautiful building with a courtyard in the middle, and on either side. The daunting aura hit me as I entered it's giant steel gate opening. There, I was met by the Student President; James Robinson. Our fathers had formed an alliance through their businesses, so I had known him since we were kids. 

     "Good to see you again, Mr. Wilson." He said, bowing. "Welcome to the Ceruleans; Camden Senior Academy."

     "Hi, James. Don't worry about all that formality, we've known each other since childhood right? I'm excited to start here." I offered a smile, along with my hand as I surveyed the academy entrance. He nodded curtly, turning on his heal while leading me into the main hall. Off onto the side of the hall, I could spy a tiny maid struggling with my large suitcase. 

     "Women on staff, at an all boys school?" I ask, surprised. James nodded, leading me down hallway perpendicular to the entrance. 

     "It's a new addition. The headmaster is attempting to renovate the views of this school. I suppose that starts with a few female staff," He explained. 

     The next hour or so was spent on tour, with him explaining everyday life on campus as well as where I'd be taking my classes. "Dinner starts at around six, so I'd wash up before then. Shall we go to your dorm?" He suggested. I nodded mindlessly, letting my mind wander about the beautiful architecture. 

     Suddenly, someone's shoulder slammed into mine, startling me and setting me back a few steps. My teeth gritted and I cursed under my breath, surprised by the aggressive impact. The aggressor - a man who seemed around my age - stood; a few inches taller than me, as he looked down on my pain stricken face. I didn't like having to look up at him, it made me feel small. 

     "Excuse me." I muttered. His stormy eyes searched me, whether for sign of injury, or for the intention of a scuffle, I couldn't tell. Nevertheless, he glided passed me without a word, leaving only the electric feeling on my shoulder. James clicked his teeth, looking disapprovingly after him.

    "Who was that?" I wondered under my breath. "Is he a student here?". 

     "Barely. He was disowned from his family, and got in through scholarships. It would do him good to learn his place." James sighed, continuing with his tour. 

     I didn't like when people judged based off of money. I was born into a society where money got you everything, even respect. I didn't respond to James because I didn't agree with him. I think that man regardless of his social status. Well, perhaps not if he kept bumping into shoulders like that. 

     My dorm room was surprisingly big, even considering the size of the school. 

     "This is where you'll be staying. I see that your bags have already been brought up for you," James noticed, pointing to my suitcase in the corner of the room. It was a classic one bedroom, one bathroom dorm with a single dresser. Other than that, it was empty. 

     "I appreciate the tour, James." I smiled, signifying that I'd be alright on my own from here. He nodded shortly, taking his exit.  

     "I'll see you in class." He said invitingly, shutting the door behind him.

     I quickly unpacked my things, folding my clothes into neat piles inside the dresser. The bathroom was dull as well; the white tiles that lined the floor clashed brutally with the tan shower curtain. I wasn't exactly complaining, I was... observing. Yes, yes. Observing how the color coordination was entirely off. 

     My thought processes is interrupted by a loud bell, which seemed to ring throughout the entire campus. James had said that meant five minutes until dinner, so I looked around my room until I found my uniform hanging on my hook.

     I closed the room door behind me, trying to remember his previous directions to the Dining Hall. I was aimlessly wandering around, when I was suddenly stopped by a heavy clap on my back. 

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