"Hey—" Bakugo started before giving up with a sigh. "You just do whatever you want, don't you?"

y/n came back out of the tent and shoved a pair of tiger ears in his hands. "Put it on." She threatened through gritted teeth, trying to hold her smile and seem more intimidating.

"Tch." Bakugo angrily donned his pair of ears, earning a smile from y/n who leaned in to pet him.

"Good boy!"

Bakugo slapped her hand away, grumbling. "I just don't understand why I always get stuck with you.."

y/n shrugged, looking at him through her lashes, "I dont know, guess the universe wants us together," she teased, giggling at his reaction.

"As if. More like the universe wants to torture me endlessly."

At his underlying insult, y/n jabbed a finger into Bakugo's side, causing him go hiss in pain and threaten to blow her up. She waved off his emty threats, pouting a little. "Am I really that bad?" She nagged.

Bakugo opened his mouth, "N—"

"Well if it isn't Class 2-A's hothead, Boom-Boom Boy! a.k.a, 'kAtsUkI BakUgO!'" A boy roared, mocking Bakugo's raspy voice.

The boy seemed to be a replica of Bakugo, except for a few differences; he even stood at the same height as him. His blonde hair was more tame and sleek than Bakugo's and his eyes a bright blue."


Bakugo's eyes flashed with anger just at the sight of the boy. Despite all the times she's pissed him off, y/n doesn't think she's seen Bakugo look that riled up.

"The fuck do you want, Extra?" He growled.

Ignoring his question, Monoma's eyes flickered over to y/n, a smirk plastered on his face. "Well, what do we have over here? This your girlfriend, Bakugo?"

y/n's face scrunched up and she backed away from Monoma, a slightly disgusted look on her face.

"Ooh, she's feisty!"

"DON'T YOU DARE PUT YOUR FILTHY HANDS ON HER OR I'LL BLOW YOUR DAMN HEAD OFF!!" y/n's eyes widened and a smile tugged on her lips. The last thing she expected was for Bakugo to defend her.. yet, here he was. He did it in his own way of course.

"Oh?" Monoma leered, a semi-surprised look on his face. "Tell you what, I'll let you have her if you fight me for her," he smirked.

"Fight for me? I'm not a fucking pet—" y/n was cut off by Bakugo's outburst.

"Alright, then, bring it on!" He roared, his hands sparking up with tiny explosions.

y/n's head snapped to look at Bakugo, her eyes wide.

"Don't get too riled up, now, It's not the kind of fight you're thinking of." He said, his voice smooth as honey.

Bakugo stopped, quirking an eyebrow. y/n too, looked confused.

"Our class is hosting a game for UA students. The Newspaper Game!" When Bakugo and y/n stared at him, he scoffed dramatically and explained. "Its a game where a pair stand in the middle of a paper and try not to fall as the levels get harder." He mumbles, throwing his head around exasperatedly. "Hurry up and decide, we're starting soon."

"We're playing. Let's go," Bakugo rasped, grabbing y/n's wrist and pulling her onward.

"Wha— Hey!" She tugged her arm, but his grip was tight. "Are you sure about this, Bakugo?" y/n asked nervously.

"Course I am, what's so hard about standing on a piece of paper?"

Once the two get to class 2-B's booth, they set their signs down and went up on the platform that held four newspapers. There were already two pairs standing there, waiting for the game to start.

Bakugo and y/n took their place on one of the papers and waited until Monoma and Kendo did the same.

The announcer then started speaking. "Alright, Level one, let's go!— No quirks allowed! Good luck, contestants."

A couple "Whoo"s and claps sounded from the crowd.

The two of them awkwardly scooted closer together as they looked out at the crowd. Before they went up on the platform, the crowd was only a few people spread out, but now that the game had started, more people started coming in.

After seeing how easy it was for everybody, the announcer spoke again. "Let's crank it up a notch, level two! Both contestants, lift a leg!"

Bakugo and y/n looked at each other and raised their foot, balancing on only one.

One of the couples began to falter, wobbling into one another. Since they managed to stay upright, the announcer announced the next level.

"Level three! Stay on one leg, but turn to your partners and cross your foot with theirs. Kinda like you're comparing shoe sizes. This one might make you have to move closer~"

The two turned to each other, crossing their feet like the announcer instructed. After a few minutes, y/n shifted a bit, causing her to almost falter. She hastily grabbed onto Bakugo's waist for support.

Bakugo visibly tensed up at the sudden contact. To try to make it less awkward, he wrapped a hand around her shoulders to provide extra support.

y/n felt her cheeks heat up at the gesture.

"This is so stupid.." Bakugo grumbled.

y/n nodded, looking up at him, "You're the one who wanted to do it, though," she sneered.

He groaned and flicking her forehead hard, as id telling her to shut it, causing her to hiss in pain. Bakugo looked down at y/n, smirking when she glared at him and rubbed the spot. "I refuse to let him win."

After seeing two of the contestants got eliminated during level 3, the announcer came back in. It was now only Bakugo, y/n, Monoma, and Kento. Even though y/n was facing the other way, she could feel Monoma nd Bakugo glaring at each other heatedly from across the platform.

"Level four! One contestant needs to pick the other up— bridal style!" He added with a michevious chuckle.

☄. *. ⋆
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