9 minutes

566 33 5


-Third Person- 

It felt like a switch had been turned in Peter, one moment he could feel the pain as it shot through his system, whitening out his vision and sometimes trying to pull him down into the darkness. 

But now- well now he doesn't feel anything. 

He can't feel as the blood in his body is pouring out of his injuries, slowly shutting down his system and killing him. 

His mind wanders and his thoughts drift, sometimes to nothing as his blurry vision continues to look at the sky. 

The now dark sky.

There's no light, there's no- there's no hope.

His main thought is that he wishes he had hugged his parents before he left, that he had told them he loved them one last time. That he- that he could say goodbye to them. What he wouldn't do just hug them one last time. 

(No one knew it was the last time, I wish I fucking knew) 

His limbs feel weightless as he lays there, like he's flying, but instead of flying upwards, he's descending. And soon it'll be too late to catch him. 

Peter can feel his head spin with thoughts and feelings, but he can't make any sense of it. He feels more calm, like the breeze of the city wind brushed away all his fears, all his worries, all his pain. 

It's nice. 

It's peaceful. 

Silent tears work their way down his face, he doesn't quiet know why he's crying anymore. It's all- it's all just numb, but he thinks it's from the loss. The loss of life, loss of the future he once held. The loss of everything he's ever known. 

A smile slips back onto his face though as he feels just how calm and peaceful he really feels. He tries not to think of it as death he's facing, more so, a long sleep.

But- but his dad was coming. He needed- he needed to get to him, he wanted him- he wanted him here. Where- where was his dad. 

Before he can think too much on the matter though, his mind drifts once more and the calm returns once again. 

The darkness was shrouding him in shadows, distantly he could feel himself shiver as exhaustion worked its way into his system. He knew this wasn't right- he knew that. And yet, he couldn't place what was wrong. 

He was going to be at peace, the pain would end. He would be, he would be okay. Because- because his dad would be here. 

Where- where was his dad again? 

Wasn't- wasn't he meant to be here with him. 

(Losing you was the worst thing in the world.)

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