"Yeah I guess so. Well it's nearly 9 so we need to get ready" Layla stares at the house around her.

Even though the furniture is all in place there's something different about the house. The energy and soul that used to posses the house has now gone, it's empty of any emotions. It's just four walls with stuff inside, no meaning behind it and especially without Maggie running about the place, there's no meaning to this house anymore.

"YO NICK WE GOTTA BOUNCE BABES" Lay shouts from the kitchen sipping on a redbull.

"Yeah yeah I'm coming" Nick walks in with her own redbull tropical "is this ok for playhouse?" She struts across the kitchen in a black leather skirt with a vintage grey motley crue tee tucked in and a pair of bright red Christian Louboutins.

"Damn hot mama. Yes that is ok for playhouse" Layla laughs grabbing her keys. Nick grabs her phone to call Tom again.

"This number you have called is no longer in service" The automated voice speaks again. Nick sighs throwing her phone in her lap.

"Blocked number again. Starting to think this is a bad idea" Nick sighs tapping her forehead. Q

"It just a night out babes. It's gonna be ok" Layla pulls into a space near Playhouse "If he ain't here then we just have a good night and you go back to Chicago knowing it wasn't meant to be"

"Yeah" Nick agrees unconvincingly.

The pair are escorted to a booth where the rest of her friends are. They are none the wiser for her actual motives for being back in the city are. The temptation to drink is becoming unbearable for Nick as taps her lighter on the glass table in front of her. Waiting for a sign that Tom is here when suddenly Casey, Frankie's new girlfriend comes over to them.

"Hey Nick" She leans over the table "Tom just walked in with two bunnies" Nick looks up at her confused "two playboy bunnies" Nick is furious as Case as leaves again.

"Two fucking bunnies?!" She yells over the music toward Layla "two fucking playboy bunnies?!"

Then it happens, the most she has been dreading since the day they broke up. Her friends can tell her, she can read about it on the internet, he can even tell her about it in voicemails and texts. But actually seeing him with other girls, is breaking her heart. Trying her hardest to compose herself, not to be the girl who cries over her ex boyfriend in the middle of a club. Tom stands at the bar two girls clinging to him either side of him, he turns around, looking around the club. Their eyes lock, there's a moment where her heart flutters and she is exactly where she is supposed to be. But of course reality sets in and Tom breaks the gaze, looking back at the bartender without even a smile in her direction. He truly did regret those voicemails.

Without saying another word, Nick grabs her bag and leaves the club. This truly was a mistake and if she's rushes then Jay will be none the wiser, might just save her relationship. Nick slumps in the back of the cab, the window wound all the way down, even at 1 am the air is still warm. She takes in a scent that she's not smelt in so long, it brings back a feeling inside of her, a feeling that she's not felt in a longtime. The feeling to get high.

Nick walks into her bedroom, staring at the empty in bed in the middle of the room. No one has slept in that bed since the last time they did, together. Kicking off her heels, tears start rolling down her face. Nick pulls down the zipper on her skirt, as it falls down her legs she spots the boxes in the corner of the room. The packing was going to be begin now. Starting with the kitchen/ living room. The tears continue to steam down as she packs up the only good life she's ever had. Layla comes bathing into the house.

"What the fuck dude?! You just left me?!" She throws her bag and keys onto the table by the door. Nick just looks up at her friend, make up running down her face "what are you doing?" She calms down.

"I'm packing up my things Lay and getting the fuck out of LA" Nick doesn't break her movements.

"Nickle" Lay comes over trying to stop Nick packing "Nick babes"

"He doesn't want me Lay" she stops, looking up at her friend "ok. He turned up with two fucking playboy bunnies and then he looked at me" Nick looks up to stop the tears but it doesn't work "oh god Lay, the way he looked at me. He looked at me like I was a complete stranger. I just can't. So I'm going to Chicago"

"No you can't just give up. Please don't go" Lay begs.

"Lay we are all moving on. Peep is going to London, the boys are moving up. I'm moving to Chicago. I suggest you do the same" Nick tapes up a box and moves to the net one.

"Please just stay for a couple more days" Lay begs.

"Ok ok. Couple more days but he doesn't want me"

Unsuspecting Love // Tom Feltonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें