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The village was crowded as the guards walked forward , Arabella was just another face in the crowd but if anyone found out about her way of helping it was all over . Luckily , the crowd was in a rush and if she struck at just the right time she wouldn't get caught . Her younger sister Gina had stolen a bracelet for her and she was trying to sneak it back . The bracelet did have a small dent but if they were lucky no one would notice and run a scan on it . 

Ding! . Rush hour , Arabella watched as the stand where the bracelet was from crowded . She hurried to the closest stand and while pretending to examine fruit she slid the bracelet off of her wrist and into the small basket of jewlery . Then , to conclude the act she used five coins and bought some fruit before heading back home . 

Her home was a small cottage and there was barely enough space , her eldest brother had joined a rebellion and he tried to send letters every week but it wasn't often that he could . Arabella's brother who was only a year older than her was working in the army and was very punctual on messages . 

" Arabella " Her father called " Did you do it " 

Arabella nodded " Yes , but I am concerned about the dent , Anyone could notice and scan leading to Gina " 

" As true as that may be " Her mother said entering the room holding tea " We must pray that it won't " 

Just than Gina rushed in tears streaking her face " Mother , Father , Arabella " 

" Gina " Arabella gasped " What is wrong " 

" Ruby , She was killed " She explained 

" What " Her father boomed 

" She was caught smuggling food to the workers , she was punished and was about to be tortured before she took a suicide pill " Gina cried 

Arabella stood frozen , Ruby had been her very best friend a sister really and was gone . It just wasn't fair . Just than the door opened , revealing one very familiar figure . 

 " Jackson " Arabella cried , running to hug her older brother " What happened " 

" The army was cutting some workers free and I was lucky enough to be one of them " He said patting her shoulder 

Arabella gave him a teary smile and allowed everyone to see him . Arabella went to bed that night with a wonderful thought . Maybe everything would be the same again ....

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2021 ⏰

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