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A throbbing pain is in your head, pounding away your vision. You can feel blood trickling down your head as you try to look around. Miraculously, you and Dabi survived the fall but are bad shape. He looks passed out so now its on you to save him.
                                         Using your quirk, you heal your head and leg wounds. Grabbing Dabi by his coat, you drag him outside the broken car. The sharp glass pinches your sides as you crawl out, your hands are bleeding. Now outside, you waste no time and start to heal Dabi.



Kurogiri: thank you sir

Shigaraki: yes yes, now go check if that did the job

Kurogiri: yes sir

Y/n thoughts: SHIT

you grab Dabi and hoist him over your shoulder, even though he is heavy. You run into a nearby alleyway and continue to heal him.

Y/n thoughts: almost...i just need a little bit more time

You hear something from a distance

Kurogiri: they aren't here sir


Kurogiri: they are-


Kurogiri: yes si-

Shigaraki: and stop calling me sir, your pissing me off

Kurogiri: I understand

Y/n thoughts: FUCK

with Kurogiri on the prowl, theres less time for Dabi. But as soon as you say that, Dabi regains consciousness.

Dabi: y/n?...are you ok?

Y/n: shhh...yes I'm ok but Shigara-

Dabi: no...

His face says it all...fear. You try to keep him calm but its too late. He's here.

Shigaraki: aww lookie here

Shigaraki: world renown villain and a lowly hero...together.

Shigaraki: you make me sick

Y/n: leave us alone!!!

Dabi: leave Shigaraki

Shigaraki: i wooouuuld but, I'm having way too much fun!

Shigaraki's mouth turns into a evil smile. There is a genuine happiness that Shigaraki feels when you are in danger, which makes you uneasy.

Y/n: go fuck yoursel-oh wait you CAN'T can you?

His smile disappears as his fists clenches. A purple blurriness appears behind him, revealing Kurogiri.

Shigaraki: do you have our gift?

Y/n: gift?

Shigaraki: yeah i got you something, i hope you could forgive me

Dabi: don't trust him y/n

Dabi is ready to attack at any moment, given the opportunity. Kurogiri is at guard so there's no chance he could get by. All he can do is wait.

Dabi thoughts: i only need him to be distracted for one second...make this count

Kurogiri gives Shigaraki a box, wrapped in a bow.

Shigaraki: here you go kid

Shigaraki tosses it to you very lightly. You catch it.

Y/n thoughts: if it was a bomb then it would have gone off already. If it was poison then i would have died already.

Y/n: and this is safe?

Shigaraki: trust me, i never lie

Dabi looks towards you.

Dabi: he's telling the truth, i can tell. Iv'e worked with him for years.

You cautiously unwrap the present.

Y/n: ugh it smells like sh-
Toga's bloody head lays at the bottom of the box. Her face is frozen in a look of fear as blood flows out her eyes and mouth. There is a note stapled onto her lips.

"I could have been saved"

Stockholm syndrome (Dabi x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now