Dabi's house?

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Y/n: huh?

You wake up at the crack of dawn on a big bed. Your wearing nothing but your skin, with dabi next to your side. Dabi keeps kissing the air while he sleeps, followed by lots of deep snoring.
You feel clean but how? Your head hurts from hitting the ground but thats all you remember. Dabi looks like he's sleeping so you dont want to disturb him.

Y/n thoughts: did he...did he take care of me?

Y/n thoughts: wow....well what now?

Dabi wakes up before you could decide what to do next. His bed hair doesn't look that different from his regular hairstyle, but his breath is definitely not it.

Dabi: what are you doing?

Y/n: oh uhh, i woke up

Dabi: well stop moving, im going back to sleep

Y/n: wait, did you clean me up?

Dabi: yeah

Y/n: wow, i didnt think you'd do that...

Dabi: why would i not want to see your naked body twice

Y/n thoughts: why am i not surprised?

Y/n: oh

Dabi: go to sleep

Y/n: here?


Dabi: no, in the dumpster- of course here!!

Y/n: but you'r here...

Dabi: and?

Y/n: i dont know

Dabi: come here

Dabi grabs you and pulls you to his chest. His soft skin felt nice to nuzzle into. He didn't seem to mind so its fine.
His deep breathing is like music to your ears. You cup your hand on his cheek and slowly caress him. His soft face feels like clouds dancing on your fingers. Dabi nuzzles into your hand as you caress him.

Dabi thoughts: his hands feel soft

As you lay back down on the bed, you look at dabi. His guard is completely down, its like he feels comfortable with you. You would ask him why but he's tired, its best to let him rest. You lay to rest aswell.
Dabi: wake up

You wake up to dabi's aggressive flick on the head. Its about afternoon and dabi is fully dressed.

Y/n: whaat?

Dabi: i have to take you back to the hideout

Y/n: do i have too?

Dabi looks confused at first when you ask that question. His eyebrows are furrowed.

Dabi thoughts: fuck, should i ask shigarki?

Dabi thoughts: why am I thinking this way?

Dabi: umm

Dabi: sure

Y/n: really!!?

Dabi: yeah whatever

Y/n: yay!!

Dabi: don't break my shit or else

Y/n: ok ok, i wont

Dabi: im leaving

Y/n: cya

Dabi walks through the front door looking defeated. He walks back to the hideout while you have fun in his house, or apartment actually.

Y/n thoughts: i made him say yes????

Y/n: its like we're dating...

Leaving that thought on hold, you get up from the bed and lurk around. The bedroom itself is pretty bland. There's a white, king sized bed in the middle of the room with a pile of papers next to it. You went to the pile and flipped through the papers ontop of it. Its all hero data and LOV missions, nothing intresting.
                                                                      Empty noodle packages and water bottles are spread throughout the room. Disappointed, you went to the closet.

Y/n thoughts: maybe theres som-

You open the door to find nothing in the closet but the bare minimum. You can put all his clothes in two grocery bags.

Y/n: why was he so worried about me breaking shit... THERES NOTHING TO BREAK!!!

Dabi opens the door to the bar to find all the members staring at him. Shigaraki is bursting with anger thats sure to burst.

Shigaraki: where's the little shit?

Dabi: he's umm...in my house

Kurogiri: boss calm down


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