𝘀𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱'𝘃𝗲 𝗸𝗻𝗼𝘄𝗻

Start from the beginning

      'I have,' he nodded. 

      'And are you okay with that? Are you okay with who you are, right now?'

Sighing, Naito's eyes met her. 'Far from it.'

      'It's not about being incapable of love, everyone can love, even if you despise yourself or not. It's about knowing your values. We change constantly, loving yourself is like. . . being all right with those changes, being all right with who you are becoming and being okay with whoever you are at the moment, be it physically and mentally,' she explained, an understanding smile slowly making its way to her lips. 

      'If I don't know my pitfalls, I'll unconsciously let them control aspects of my relationships. . .' Naito trailed off. 

      'And If you don't know your value, you'll let yourself get walked on,' Midori continued. 'Yeah, that's it.'

      'I don't know Midori,' he sighed. 'I just want all of this to be over. I thought I would be happy as an idol, I love dancing and rapping ━ singing too, I guess. But the pressure is just ━ it's just too much.'

      'If you're not happy with the idol life then. . . by all means, Naito, do what makes you happy.'

      'Yeah. . . I'll have to think about it,' Naito mumbled. 'Come on now, K-hyung is waiting for us.'


Once inside the Big Hit building, Midori and Naito quickly walked into the empty room where they were supposed to meet K. Opening the door to the room, Midori came face to face with her older brother. 

      'Oppa, you're here,' she said, taking a step back so Naito could walk inside first. 

      'Better early than late, I suppose,' K shrugged. 'What did you want to talk about?'

      'Mum and dad are in Korea. We know you probably don't want to meet them and we don't blame you for that━' Naito began speaking. 'But that's not why we're here either. . .'

      'Then. . . why?'

      'We're here to talk about Kaycee Chen, you know her?' Midori asked, closing the door behind her. 

      'Yeah,' K nodded. 'She was nice and a very sweet girl until she started to say some mean stuff to Ta-ki behind his back.'

      'Oh?' Naito raised his eyebrows in surprise. 

      'Yeah, that does sound like her. . .' Midori sighed, running her hands over her face, an exasperated sigh leaving her lips.

      'Are you sure she's going to debut in the new girl group?' Naito asked, elbows against the table. 

      'Not one hundred per cent sure. . . it's between her and this girl called. . . Kazuha since both of them are foreigners,' K muttered to himself. 'But, I do believe that it's leaning towards Kaycee's since she said she was friends with you two. . . and obviously your group is famous and her knowing you would bring attention to her group.'

      'Friends?' Naito scoffed. 

      'Yeah. . . I can tell by your faces that you're not really a fan of hers,' K grimaced, glancing between the twins. 

      'Not necessarily no,' Midori said. 

      'I mean, I can see why but what did she do?'

Midori heaved in a sigh, glancing at Naito, silently asking him if she was supposed to tell him. 

      'She's violent when she doesn't get her own way,' Midori explained, keeping it short and precise. 

      'I've noticed that she playfully hits people a lot. It doesn't hurt that much but. . .' K trailed off. .'I'm assuming you don't want her to debut?'

      'Yeah,' Midori nodded. 

Exhaling a heavy sigh, K ran his hands over his face. 'I guess I could. . . try to gather some evidence?'

      'We have enough,' Midori smiled. 'We just wanted to inform you.'

K nodded. 'Thank you.'


When Midori and Naito arrived back at the dorm Ni-ki asked them an odd question. 

      'Are you guys straight?'

Midori's eyebrows shot up. 'Pardon?' 

      'The fuck?' Naito blurted out before Midori got the chance to stop him. 

'Well. . . I once saw a picture of you kissing a girl, noona. . .' Ni-ki trailed off, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. 

      'Oh,' Naito laughed, the memory entering his mind. 'That was a dare.'

      'Oh. . .'

      'Either way, why are you asking?' Midori asked him. 

Because I don't want more competition. 'Because I'm curious,' he answered, partly lying. He was curious, but he knew that half of the human population were men, and if Midori were into women too, then that would mean the whole population, give or take a few billion elderly and children.

       'Well, Riki-san,' Midori smiled at him, placing a hand on his shoulder. 'Doesn't matter if the person identifies as a man, woman, helicopter or none of the things. If they're hot, they're hot and I like hot.'

Naito glanced at her before his eyes met the floor. 

      'And Naito. . . he's as straight as you could ever be,' she chuckled. 

      'Sunoo-hyung. . . he's been looking at you with that special look, hyung,' Ni-ki muttered, looking at Naito.

      'Special look?' Midori asked. 

      'Like the one Heeseung-hyung gives Mercy-sunbaenim.'


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