Chapter VI | Six

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Quickly rushing into the house, I turned to push the door shut only to be stopped by Chris.

“Yo, Ashton. Wait!” Chris hollered, his voice echoing through the bare hallway.

My body felt like it was on fire, the thought of what just happened made me want to run far away. Miles away from him, I didn’t want to see the look of pity in his eyes when I faced him.

“It’s my fault, I should’ve told you.” Chris breathed, the tips of his fingers gripping onto the wood door.

You think?

Maybe God was punishing me, if so he definitely made his point.  

Huffing, I opened the door up some to reveal Chris’ beautiful face. His pink lips were pressed together, and his black curls made his yellow skin even brighter in the dim lit hall.

“Chris.” I started, rubbing the back of my short hairdo. “I can’t do this again, obviously I thought you were single and I don’t want to do that anymore. I can’t put myself in that situation anymore.”

Hesitantly looking up at him, Chris pouted and gazed at me with his mocha brown eyes, his eyelashes thick. “So you don’t wanna kick it anymore?” He muttered, his hands hanging from the pockets of his dingy tattered jeans.

“I can’t, Chris.” I mumbled, admiring the sprinkles of freckles on his face.

Believe me when I say I wanted to, but I didn’t trust myself. I didn’t trust him and if he was in a good relationship, I refused to be the one to ruin it.

Not again.

Popping his lips, Chris walked back up onto me, his cologne invading my nostrils. “I want to be your friend, Ash. That’s it.”

I wasn’t in any position to be turning down friendship, but I felt like it was playing with fire. Too much temptation. This is how it all started with Abraham, friends quickly turned into lovers. Better yet secret lovers.

Taking a long frustrated breath, I peered up at him, pushing hair from my eyes. “Fine, but you can’t be flirting.”

“Flirting?” Chris twisted his lips as if he had no idea he was a humongous flirt.A tease.

“Yes, flirting.” I smirked, my first thought to slap his chest quickly dissolved.

No physical contact.

“Fine, I’ll keep my hands to myself.” Raising his large hands, Chris held them up in the air and wiggled his long fingers around. “So can I come in or do I gotta go home?”

“Don’t you need to go home to your girl?” I playfully reminded him while turning around, Chris following behind me.

“Nah, she’s at school.” He said nonchalantly, closing up my front door.

I wonder how she would feel if she knew he was here in my apartment.

Sitting down on a cushion, I crossed my legs, tossing my scarf onto the side table. The couch moved some as Chris threw his body down next to me, his feet resting on my lap.

“Christopher.” I grunted, sliding his sneakers off of my lap.

Chuckling, Chris let his feet fall down onto the hardwood floors, looking down at me. “Why you just assume my name is Christopher?” He asked, adjusting his head on the arm rest.

Flashing him a crazy look, I grabbed the remote from the coffee table and turned the television on. “I just assumed it woul-.” Before I could finish Chris cut me off, sitting up on his elbows.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2012 ⏰

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