𝚎𝚙𝚒𝚜𝚘𝚍𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗 - 𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚝

Start from the beginning

"She asked me to pick up a pregnancy test for her." Glenn said. "But please, don't say anything. She told me not to tell anyone. I'm only telling you because you're my best friend here."

"Don't worry. I got you." Madelyn smiled.

"By the way, I picked something up for you." Glenn said, pulling out a box and handing it to Madelyn.

"Birth control pills?" Madelyn asked with a laugh. "Why?"

"Everyone has needs. Maybe you'll hit it off with someone. You never know." Glenn said, making Madelyn laugh.

"I doubt it but thanks for thinking of me." Madelyn said. "Come on, let's go outside."

Glenn and Madelyn went outside when they heard Andrea shouting. "Walker! Walker!" She yelled. Everyone looked and saw a figure in the distance, limping towards the farm. It sure did look like a walker. The farm hadn't seen many walkers so if that was a walker, it would be concerning.

"Just the one?" Rick asked as Andrea grabbed a pair of binoculars and had a look.

"I bet I can nail it from here." Andrea said, grabbing her gun.

"No, Andrea. Put the gun down." Rick said as Glenn, T-Dog, Shane and Madelyn grabbed knives and axes.

"You best let us handle this." Shane said.

"No, Hershel wants to deal with walkers." Rick said.

"What for? We got it covered." T-Dog said. The five of them grabbed their weapons and went to where the walker was coming. When they approached the walker, they realised it wasn't a walker at all. It was Daryl. He was covered in blood and dirt and he was obviously hurt. That's why he was limping.

"Oh my god, Daryl." Madelyn gasped when she saw the state of the guy.

"That's the third time you pointed that thing at my head. You gonna pull the trigger or what?" Daryl said to Rick who had a gun pointed at him.

"You're not a walker." Glenn said in realisation.

Suddenly, Daryl was hit by a bullet, making him fall to the ground. Madelyn's heart dropped as she looked at Daryl laying on the ground. "Oh my god, Daryl!" Madelyn exclaimed, running to his side.

"No!" Rick yelled at Andrea who had fired the shot. "No! Stop!"

"God, you're fine." Madelyn said when everyone realised the bullet just grazed past his head. She couldn't imagine what would've happened if Andrea hadn't missed. She didn't want to think about that. Shane and Rick helped pull Daryl up.

"I was kidding." Daryl murmured as Dale and Andrea ran over.

"Oh my god, oh my god, is he dead?" Andrea asked, panicked.

"Unconscious." Rick said. "You just grazed him."

"But look at him. What the hell happened? He's wearing ears." Glenn said, pointing to the walker ears hanging around Daryl's neck.

"Let's keep that to ourselves." Rick said, pulling the ears off Daryl.

"Guys, isn't this Sophia's?" T-Dog asked, holding up a doll that had fallen from Daryl.

"It is." Madelyn said.

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Everyone helped take Daryl inside where Hershel cleaned Daryl up and treated his wounds. He was with Shane, Rick and Madelyn too.

"Where did you find the doll?" Rick asked.

"I found it washed up on a creek bed right there." Daryl said once he had woken up. "She must've dropped it crossing there somewhere."

"Cuts the grid almost in half." Rick said.

"Yeah, you're welcome." Daryl said.

"How's he looking?" Madelyn asked. Madelyn was scared for a good second when Daryl got shot. That one second scared the life out of her but she was so glad Daryl was fine and awake.

"I had no idea I would be going through antibiotics so quickly." Hershel said. "Any idea what happened to my horse?"

"Yeah, the one that almost killed me? If it's smart, it would have left the country." Daryl said, making Madelyn let out a laugh, causing Shane, Hershel, Daryl and Rick to all look at her.

"Sorry." Madelyn said, making Daryl smile a little.

"We call that one Nelly, as in Nervous Nelly." Hershel said. "I could've told you she'd throw you if you bothered to ask. It's a wonder you people have survived this long."

Rick sighed and they all left the room, leaving just Madelyn and Daryl. "You really scared me, you know?" Madelyn said to Daryl as she went to sit next to the bed by his side.

"I scared you?" Daryl asked, a little surprised that someone was worried about him.

"Yeah, I'd like to say we're friends, right? Friends look out for each other." Madelyn said with a small smile.

"I guess." Daryl said with a shrug.

"You risked your life today for that little girl. You went out there and kept looking when no-one else would. I'm proud of you." Madelyn said, moving a few pieces of stray hair away from Daryl's forehead.

"You..you are?" Daryl asked. No-one had ever said that to him before. Not his parents, not his brother. No-one. Madelyn was the first person to ever tell him that she was proud of him.

"Of course. You've done a lot for this group. No-one may say it but I'm sure they all appreciate it, especially Carol." Madelyn said, making Daryl's heart warm up. Madelyn was just amazing. Daryl looked down at her lips for a split second before looking back up.

He wanted her. Daryl wanted Madelyn.

"I'm gonna let you rest, okay? We can talk later." Madelyn said, squeezing his hand before leaving the room, her vanilla scent lingering in the room.

" Madelyn said, squeezing his hand before leaving the room, her vanilla scent lingering in the room

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