9- Introduction

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What have I gotten myself into?

You think to yourself as you lay in your captors arms. How did we get to this? How did this happen?

You lay there with your eyes wide open, staring around the room. It's a lot easier to see in the daylight that seeped in through the blinds.  You enjoy the rays beaming onto your skin.

It seems Shigaraki didn't enjoy the sun as much as you did. "Ugh.. Why is it so damn bright in here?" He complained.

He covers the light from his eyes with his large hands until he notices the way your laying on him still.

He puts his extended arm down and looked down at you with curious eyes. "Oh? I thought you would try to crawl out or something. Hm." He let's out a small hum of satisfaction after that. 

"You know. You sure do help me sleep. Every other night I would be tossing and turning for hours. Then I'd finally fall asleep at six in the morning. Is that your quirk or something?"

"I um. No? I'm not very sure. I never thought I had a quirk and I've never thought it would be anything like this-"

"God you're so fucking cute," He takes his hand and holds your face, he pulls you in slightly and plants a kiss on your forehead.

"Sorry little bunny, I can't help myself. You're just a bit distraction." he says in a husky low tone. Your eyes widen with surprise and your lips slightly part.

You watch Tomura scan your body with his eyes, going up and down, up and down, up and down. It seemed that his eyes fixated on your chest. Your hands fidget and your mind races.

"I've got some plans with you doll," he says in a  seductive low tone. Your lips quiver slightly as you think about what's to come.  "Oh relax, I won't do anything with you now. After all, it isn't the time for that now is it?" His eyes fixated on your body while speaking. You look around the room uncomfortably. Your eyes start to focus on random objects in the room -such as figurines and plushes- nervously. He notices your eyes trail off.  He grabs your chin and forces your head to look towards him, seemly to get your attention once again. "What's wrong my little bunny? Don't like a bit of flirty? Or are you just nervous?" 

He looks at you expectantly. Feeling pressured by his glare you come up with a short response. "I er uh- I'm nervous.." You blurt you in an attempt to make things a little less awkward.  "Is zoning out like that when your nervous a habit of yours?" Tomura insisted. "Guess you wouldn't know if you're really zoning out, huh?" He chuckled lightly, mainly to himself. 

"Anyways, we have some things to do today. If you're good I'll show you around the place." 

                                                                                .         .         .

After sitting around and "helping" Tomura with his chores- like laundry and tidying up- you pull lay down on the bed once again. Tomura lets out a sigh of relief as he sinks down into the mattress. "Well you were good today so, I won't break that promise from before. Lets just lay down for a bit then I'll show you 'round." 

Ten or so minutes had gone by and Shigaraki had decided that it's time to go through with his words.  He gets up and gestures for you to follow him. You follow him out of the tiny room and down a narrow staircase. As soon as you turned the corner thousands of questions popped into your head at once.

There's other people here? Are these other captives? Do they like it here? Will they hurt me? 

Your mind raced as your body entered some sort of airplane mode, leaving you to continuously follow Tomura until he stops you. His mouth opens to say something and yet nothing came of it.

Once you two were practically in the middle of the room he decides to introduce you to these other people.

As he prepares his miniature speech, you look around and take mental notes of these strange people. One has blonde  messy buns and a high-school uniform. One has a full superhero inspired suit with a matching black, white and grey mask. Another has deep purple scars, spiky black hair and a long dark leather jacket. The last one you could see was a mysterious black and purple mist creature behind the counter. 

"Well, this is Y/n. I think she will be staying with us for a while." The man in a cartoonish suit comes up to you as well as the high-schooler. The high-schooler jumps on top of you, you let out a yelp.  "Toga! Get off of her or I'll disintegrate your ass!" Tomura yells at her.  'Toga' gets up, seemly  dissapointed. Shigaraki pulls the masked man and the teenage girl into a separate room to scold them. The man with the purple scars leaves, supposedly being bored by the whole situation. This leaves you with the ominous fog creature. 

You are slightly intimidated by him. His yellow glowing eyes stare down at you. "Are you okay, Y/n?" He asks in a calm respectful manner. You take a moment to think of your answer. If you're being honest, you've been shaken up since you've been here. "I er- I'm fine." You mutter. "Hm," He hums. "Do you like it here sweetie?" He questions. Once again, you have to take a moment to think of a response. "I'm not sure." You whisper to him, afraid of saying the wrong thing. 

"How was it before you came here?" Thinking about home again brought up many happy memories. Memories of Christmases, Easters, Halloweens, dressing up, friends, sweets, cookies, presents. So many things came rushing to your mind. Suddenly, the realization of what had happened to you set in. You were stolen, stolen from your  home. From your  bedroom. From your bed.  You try to hold back tears. The mysterious fog figure notices this and tries to console you. He rubs his hand up and down on your back. 

"Thank you," You whisper to him. He does not respond but you see that he is understanding. "I need to speak to Tomura about this," 

 "Please don't, I'm afraid of what he'll do." You respond nervously. "No need to worry about him sweetie, I will make sure you are okay. I know Tomura is a brat sometimes, I did raise him after all. Even though he is stubborn and rude, I know he will not hurt you. I can promise you that." He consoles you. 

"Well, what is your name?" You ask, trying to change the topic to something more lighthearted. 

"Kurogiri. My name is Kurogiri. I am basically the parent to the others here. I make sure they are taken care of and I get them places."- He thinks for a moment.-"Now if you don't mind I need to speak to Tomura. Before I leave though I think you need these," He hands you a baggie, it contains a sandwich, chips and some small candies. Along with the baggie he hands you a small soda. "Run along now," he says in a calm and nurturing tone. 

As you walked back over to the stairs you sense some sort of guilt coming from 'Kurogiri'. You feel bad for him, especially because he's the only one who's been very kind to you.  

As you head back up the stairs you see a new room and more importantly, a new person. He had green scaly skin like a lizard. He had pink-ish purple hair and a headset on. A very similar headset to one you saw in Tomura's room. 

You enter Shigaraki's room and shut the door.

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