2- Need

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Kurogiri sighs as he opens a portal. Shigaraki doesn't exactly know where he's going but he's determined to find out.

He pushed his body through the purple and black fog that was Kurogiri's body.

He arrives in a small part of a city. The sky is a dark purple, the air is heavy and moist, clouds form to cover the moon. The streets are lined with small lamps that illuminate the sidewalks with a yellowish glow.

Shigaraki throws his hood over his head carelessly. He's distracted by the thought of being near you.

A bottle jingles in the pocket of his hoodie. He grabs the bottle to read it one last time. "Sonata". He crushed the bottle and the pills inside of it to dust. He won't be needing them anymore.

He walks off from the pile of dust into a small ally way.

He leans up against the walls of the surrounding buildings, his head leaning downwards towards the garbage on the cement. He scratches at his neck, thinking of where you would be.

" Tomura, you should've thought about this before leaving. This is unlike you." Tomura feels Kurogiri's eyes upon him.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. I'm here for a good reason. You'll see soon. "

"I remember her saying she lives in a second floor of an apartment near here.. " He mumbles to himself.

• • •

After wondering around for thirty minutes or so he finds it. "It matches all the photos. It must be her's.. "Ha.. Ha. HA! I FOUND HER!"

His piercing red eyes stare right at you're sleeping body through you're bedroom window. "Oh god.. Isn't she a beauty?" He takes out his phone and snaps a couple pictures before putting it back into his pocket.

The purple-ish sky has been misted to a dark black. The yellow from the street lights cause curtains of shadows for Shigaraki to hide in. He takes a quick look at his surroundings, after checking for any people he breaks the window open.


The glass shadders and spreads all throughout the floor. YN sprung awake and starred up at the window. Frozen with fear, she sits there, letting the cold breeze glide across her face.

"You're coming with me doll,"

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