She glances at the packet of "intimacy" questions they've been given. "I guess we should start."

Lukas nods.

He's so silent, Kai reflects.

According to Lilly, he's sort of a genius. That silence... Is it the sound of brilliant thoughts streaming through a brilliant mind?

Then suddenly, he speaks. Gazing at her, intently.

His words aren't what she expects:

"Do you find this experiment manipulative?"

Kai looks confused.

So Lukas continues: "It's social engineering, right? If we complete this exercise, we're more likely to—"

He leaves the words... "fall in love" ... unsaid

Don't let yourself blush! she tells herself. This is really so awkward.

Then he finishes his sentence. "—If we do this exercise, we're more likely to develop a sense of closeness..."

Her face still feels warm. That answer... is also embarrassing, OK?

Let's just get this done and over with!

His voice is deep and resonant: "What I'm saying is, you can just stand up and leave."

"But... our homework!" she says.

And I need to do this, so I can explain it all to Lilly. Who's GOING to take the class—even if I have to drag her there by one ear.

Lukas's voice pierces into her thoughts. He says, "Our homework. Well, you could write about social engineering. About how you don't want to be made into a pawn in a game."

He adds: "I hear that the professor is quite open-minded to creative responses."

Her blush fading, she turns thoughtful. "I guess I'm not worried," she says. "I mean, there are all sorts of reasons we meet people, right? All sorts of reasons we feel connected to them—

—Someone could say we're always being manipulated, by the Gods... or outside forces. But it seems like what matters to the outcome most is the people. Even if we are pawns, right? We've still got preferences and choices."

Hearing herself ramble, she can't help but laugh. At least I'm not babbling about the Latin names of plant species, she thinks. My inner dork is still... mostly hidden!

The corners of his mouth are upturned. A mischievous look..

"So you're not worried this exercise might make you... fall for me?"

Indignant fierceness flashes through her: "Maybe *you're* worried it'll make you fall for me?—"

Lukas smiles inwardly. She's just too cute when she pushes back.

He's silent. Then-

"About that...."

Their gazes hold steady for a moment. His face has turned elegant and somber. Almost mournful.

He continues, "About that... I'm not worried."

Kai thinks to herself, Wow...

Is this arrogance, or what? Does the presence of mortals never move your heart?

No wonder this guy's considered an ice-cold battle strategist. He's never worried about falling in love.

But in the midst of his serious expression, she could swear there's a smirk behind his eyes.

He's so arrogant!

No! Not arrogant...


But somehow, his confidence isn't annoying. At all. It's not confidence that hides weakness and insecurity. It's a natural confidence. It's a confidence that...

... a confidence that makes her feel—even a bit happier about her own self, too.

He knows he's handsome. And talented, she thinks. His response is: Why should anyone have a problem with that? Why should any of us have a problem with who we are?

"Let's get started, then," Lukas says. Crossing his legs, he opens the packet of questions.

But she says, "Wait—"

He looks up. Watching her.

She's thinking ... I need to confess something first....




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