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It has been two weeks since Felix invited Jeongin to the new night club that opened in Busan a month before, and now, only one day was separating them all to go there.
Jeongin bought the set of clothes that Felix told him to get, and actually, it fitted so well on him.

Felix came over at Jeongin's place to help him get ready, and do him some make up lessons "So, you apply the foundation, ok but not too much! Or just use the bb cream ok? Than some settings powder on the foundation. Than just use brownish eyeshadows and eyeliner, highlighter and...reddish lipstick! BOOM! and you look fabulous like me!"

"But you wear mascara too"

"You don't have eyelashes honey"



"Ok honey be careful and don't get in any sort of dangerous situation!" She yelled from the kitchen.

"YEAH YEAH! BYE!!" Jeongin shut the door and went running towards Chan's car.
Inside there were Chan, Changbin and Felix, all looking sexy.

"I needed to wear the long jacket or I would be running around the house with my mother chasing me with a flip flop" Jeongin took off the long jacket he was wearing.

"Mhmm~ looking sexy I see" Chan smirked starting the car "do you want to get some good stuff?~"

"S-Shut up you too!"

"Oh right, guys take the fake ID cards, they are in the bag there next to you Felix"

Felix took the bag and looked inside of it "Here Innie your ID" he smiled at Jeongin.


They got down of the car and went to the night club. Outside of it you could already hear the music that was playing inside.

"Let's go guys" Chan said putting an arm around Changbin's neck, and the other putted his arm around the older's waist.

"Hey!" Felix looked at them with wide eyes and open mouth pointing at them.
Chan looked at him and pulled his tongue out giving him a middle finger while going inside the club.

"Ya! Wait us!"


They were all sitting at a table, holding a drink in their hands.
Chan and Changbin were sharing a simple beer, Felix was drinking a Margarita and Jeongin a Mojito.

"My head already hurts..." Jeongin said massaging his head.

He heard no answer from Felix and so he looked at him.
He was looking at Chan and Changbin laughing together and drinking from the same bottle.

"Felix chill man...they are just friends, and you could have asked Changbin if you wanted to go with him no?"

"It didn't come to my mind!" Felix got up and went in front of Changbin "Come dance with me!" He held his hand out.

"Oh, sure baby" Changbin ignored his hand and grabbed Felix' waist and pulled himself up.

"Did he just stole your date?"

"Nha, me and Changbin are just friends, and plus he is not my type and I'm not his" Chan got up sighing and went to the bar counter "Do you want something else?"

"N-No thanks" Jeongin smiled sipping on his Mojito.

While sitting alone, Jeongin looked around him to see who was in the club, and actually all the guys in there were pretty cool and hot, but he spotted one that got his attention...

'He is so damn hot...but I can't just go there and say hey you are hot be my one night stand and just kiss him!
Maybe if I get drunk enough...'

Jeongin got up and walked to the same counter where Chan was,getting a glance from the mysterious guy.

"4 shots of vodka"

"Ok sir" the barman said, cleaning four shot glasses and placing them in a line in front of Jeongin, than poured some vodka inside of them "there you go"

Jeongin smiled at the barman and drank one of the four shots. As he swallowed the vodka his throat started burning, like if someone lit up a fire. Only with one shot his head started hurting and spinning.
He drank a second one and than a third. He reached his max, he felt like throwing up...

'Did I really do all of this just to talk with some stranger guy?'

Than, he felt a hand on his shoulder and thought it was Chan "Aish, Chan leave me alone-"

"And who is Chan?" A low but at the same time high voice whispered in Jeongin's ear, making him shiver and bite his bottom lip, hiding his hands between his legs "Oh~ did I find your sweet spot?~" the guy said still whispering.

Jeongin turned his head around to see who he was talking to, and his mouth slightly opened when he saw that it was the guy he was looking at before.

"Need help finishing that?" The guy pointed at the last full glass.

"Want it?" Jeongin offered the guy the glass he was holding, making him nod "than get one by yourself"

Jeongin drank his last shot, but when he was about to swallow it, the guy grabbed him by the chin "Don't, swallow it" the guy got closer and kissed Jeongin who slightly opened his mouth and vodka started dripping from it.

Just a little kiss turned into a deaf french kiss with Jeongin wrapping his arms around the guy's neck and moaning in the kiss, and the guy sliding his hand to Jeongin's ass squeezing it.

They moved apart and a trickle of saliva connecting their tongue.
The cleaned his mouth with his sleeve, and then Jeongin's one.
He turned around, and sat on the stool next to him, asking the barman a Dark 'n' stormy.

"W-wait...." Jeongin pulled a little the guy's sleeve, getting his attention.


"W-w-what's your name?" Jeongin said blushing but lowering his head to not show it.

"My name?" The guy asked, and Jeongin nodded "haha...what a cute guy you are...and my name is Hwang Hyunjin" Hyunjin took Jeongin by the waist and pulled him closer, then sat him down on his lap, stroking his hair "And you sweetie? What's your name?"

"Y-Yang Jeongin..."

"Cute...Just like you" Hyunjin kissed Jeongin's ear making him flicker.

"Hey Yang" Hyunjin said grabbing the younger's butt making him yelp "Let's go to my hotel room~"

Jeongin looked at Hyunjin and slightly nodded, but it wasn't his head telling him to. He was drunk, and his actions weren't connecting to his brain, his body was moving on it's own, and his moth speaking by itself...

Hyunjin got up, moving Jeongin away from his lap and than taking his wallet out of the pocket of his pants and giving cash money to the barman "This is for the shots and for the
Dark 'n' stormy"

"Thank you so much sir, hope you two will come back"


P.S: I haven't checked the chapter so if there are errors I'm sorry.

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