Connections Unwritten

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"Yes, Kan-E?" 

"You've passed step one."

There was silence for a moment.


28th Sun 
Second Astral Moon 
3:28 PM

"Okay, let me get this straight. You lot are helping a group of blue-blooded extremists eradicate an entire race of animals all because of some war that no one even knows how it started?"

"I implore you, Jiana, this situation goes much deeper than you feign to understand."

"The only thing I'm feigning is whatever the hell this is gonna do in the long run!"

The rather irritated leader of Avalanche, Jiana Iana, was currently in the middle of being probed for as much information as she could give about the path leading to Sohm Al. Strun, Hirosch, Alphinaud, and Lucia were the ones conducting the interrogation, all in the midst of the rest of the traveling group making preparations to return to the road. 3 PM was a rather late time to begin moving again-at least in Lucia's book-and she wanted nothing more than to gather what they would need from Jiana and move on with this journey. However, if not evident already by her unwillingness to agree with Ishgard's methods, the white haired and red-garbed Lalafell was rather...difficult to appease.

"It's not like offing every dragon in Coerthas is gonna get rid of the problem. I can guarantee you that there are bigger, more dangerous creatures out there that you guys don't even know exist. And what are you even doing this for anyways?"

Lucia, already fed up with Jiana's constant deflecting, pinched the bridge of her nose with two fingers and fired back as frustration blanketed her tone.

"We are doing this to end a one-hundred year war that wouldn't have started if the dragons kept their peace with mankind. For a hunter who's supposedly been all over Coerthas, you're pretty damn stupid when it comes to Ishgardian history."

Taken aback by such a venomous response, Jiana couldn't help the idea of antagonizing Lucia further as she was now fully aware of the group's situation. Without her, they couldn't get into Sohm Al-at the very least not safely. And so, because of that, she held the keys here.

"I'm stupid? That's rich coming from you. At least I have the balls to go out and make my own life instead of turning into Ser Aymeric's bitch."

A hint of steel laced itself underneath Jiana's chin in an instant. Flaming eyes staring abroad for a moment came back to reality unto the hunters own orbs. Ravna put out a hand with the intent of keeping Lucia from doing anything rash, but before he could make a move, Alphinaud put out an arm in front of him to stop the boy.

"What? Gonna kill me because I said a few mean words? If you want to save your city, you need me. Under the guise of corrupt politicians or not."

"....Go on."

Pulling her sword from in front of Jiana's neck, Lucia allowed the Lalafell to continue speaking all to her chagrin thanks to the Aymeric comment.

"There's an abandoned ruin south of Tailfeather that trails up into the right entrance of Sohm Al. The walk is long, but if you avoid any trouble, you'll only have to go through two floors of the wretched thing instead of the normal five. Then, above Sohm Al lies Zenith, where it's rumored that the only dragon strong enough to take on Nidhogg lies in wait. Hraesvelgr."

The room went quiet while Jiana finished her explanation, giving Lucia and her companions time to process all of this while sitting herself on a wooden crate in a corner of the surrounding room. Hirosch for one had his own thoughts on the matter of staying dragons, but kept them to himself as he-along with Cadbur-had much more to worry about as of present.

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