San freezes.- Okay. So it is true. He didn't misunderstand anything. "Oh, really?", he replies, unsure on what else to say. Just like ten seconds ago, he doesn't know how to feel about it.

Wooyoung seems nice – that's something. But what San really wants at the moment is for Yeosang not to move out in the first place.

Wooyoung nods, then his gaze wanders back to Yeosang. "I got the confirmation email two minutes ago that I was the first one to reply to the offer, so... I got it." He shrugs a bit sheepishly, "I only really read the details after I've sent my reply", and San almost bursts out laughing. Who the hell doesn't read a contract's details before signing it?

Apparently, Wooyoung does.

"Is this weird?", Wooyoung wants to know, pointing at himself, then Yeosang, then San – and immediately, the atmosphere becomes tense. At least San thinks so.

Yeosang chuckles awkwardly. "It's only weird if you make it weird, Wooyoung."

Which you just did, San wants to tell Wooyoung and send him a small smile... but he figures that he shouldn't. Not in this awkwardness-loaded room. Maybe later.

Wooyoung grins ruefully. "Sorry."

San diverts his attention back to the fridge, hoping that the awkward tension will disperse soon enough if he pretends to not notice it. He finds a bowl of cooked rice in his part of the fridge and figures that, together with ketchup, it will be good enough for dinner. And maybe some chips as a side dish.

"Actually, Wooyoung..." San can almost feel Yeosang's uncertain gaze piercing his back, "you can also move in earlier... if you like..."

"Really?" San and Wooyoung speak up at the same time, locking eyes for a split second after.

Yeosang nods. "I'm gonna move out on Sunday. You could move in then."

"Isn't that..." San tilts his head, "kind of illegal?" He sets his bowl of rice and the ketchup down on the table to get himself chopsticks.

Once again, Wooyoung's eyes flicker between San and Yeosang. "I didn't think about my old contract yet... don't know how fast I can cancel it..."

"You don't have to pay until your new contract starts." Yeosang shrugs. "I don't have to pay Seonghwa's rent until one and a half months later; he offered it."

Hesitantly, Wooyoung looks to meet San's gaze again. "I'd, uh, like to... if that's okay for you, San. I'd also totally get it if you wanted to live alone for a bit, so, yeah..." He runs a hand through his hair and San's gaze follows the fine strands of black hair before he manages to snap himself out of it: "No! I hate living alone!"

Something about the look on Yeosang's face tells San that this is the reason why Yeosang made this offer to Wooyoung in the first place. And despite his sadness – and still a bit of fury – about Yeosang moving out, he also feels warm all of a sudden. Yeosang still cares.

Yeosang claps his hands. "Then that's settled, right? I'm sorry, Wooyoung, I don't want to throw you out, but I really need to get back to my homework."

"That's alright." Wooyoung hastily gets up.

The word leaves San's mouth before he has time to think about it: "Stay."

Both Yeosang and Wooyoung freeze. "Um..." Wooyoung laughs nervously, so San quickly adds: "Stay for dinner, I mean. I think I've still got some kimchi fried rice in the freezer."

"S-sure. That sounds good." Slowly, Wooyoung sits down again.

That leaves Yeosang standing. "Um... okay. I'm gonna get my homework done. See you later!"

"See you on Monday", Wooyoung replies.

"You mean Sunday", Yeosang corrects him before closing his room door behind him.

Huh. The atmosphere really is a bit awkward now. Maybe San should've thought this a bit more through... - ah, nevermind. He's going to live together with Wooyoung pretty soon anyway. Better get used to it fast.

"Kimchi fried rice then it is...", San speaks up, mainly to disperse the overwhelming silence around them. As he gets up, he racks his brain feverishly for something to talk about - anything would do. "Where do you live now?"

Wooyoung waves his hand dismissively. "South of here. Down the street for about twenty minutes. It's a crap building with loud neighbors."

"I guess you can say that about a lot of flats in Seoul."

Wooyoung hums. "Living alone is the fucking worst", he finally says. "I didn't think it would bother me that much, but it did. Does, I mean."

"Me too..." San dumps the clump of frozen rice into a pot and sets it on the stove

"I've heard that." Wooyoung cracks a tiny smile. "Seems like Yeosang's offer is great for both of us then."

"Yeah." It most definitely is.


San squirms. This is more uncomfortable than he thought it would be.

"Shouldn't you turn on the stove?", Wooyoung points out.

"What?" San blinks.

"The stove. I think the rice is having a hard time warming up by itself."

Oh right, the stove. San turns it on.

"I tend to forget that", he starts talking about the next thing that comes to his mind. "I also often forget to turn the stove off, so I don't know if living me is really such a jackpot for you. I might burn this flat down someday." He keeps on a serious expression as he notices how the corners of Wooyoung's lips start to twitch. Finally.

"I'm pretty bad at buying the food I am supposed to buy... so I guess if we'd be cooking together, we'd have a bunch of false ingredients put together in one pot, and we'd forget to turn on the stove. We'd have to wait an eternity for food that probably wouldn't taste good in the first place", Wooyoung jokes.

"Let's just order pizza then."

A broad grin appears on Wooyoung's face and San can't help himself but to grin back. Maybe not everything about Yeosang moving out is bad. A second later, he feels incredibly guilty for that thought, but Wooyoung's warm grin stays all the same.

"Are you rather a meat- or a veggies-pizza kind of guy?"

"Neither", San tells him, smiling back again just because it feels so good. "I order Margherita most of the time. And, just for the record, I hate veggies."

"Noted." Wooyoung laughs, and San thinks that he might really come to like this laugh. It sounds squeaky and surprisingly high-pitched... and quite unique.

"What about you?", he inquires.

"Oh. I'm more the meat kind of guy, I guess", Wooyoung replies casually.

"Thuna? Hawaii? Salami?"

"Hawaii, definitely Hawaii."

"I'll make sure to order Margherita and Hawaii on Sunday then." San isn't quite sure if his overstrained eyes are seeing things right – but if they do, Wooyoung is blushing right now.

"Yeah. Yeah, that would be nice." Wooyoung clears his throat. "Do you like soju?"

San nods his head vigorously.

"Somaek also?"

Ugh. "It's okay. - Are you trynna get me drunk?" Everyone knows that mixing beer and soju hits hard.

"Are you saying you're a weird drunk?"

"I'm not. But I'm going to a party tomorrow, so there's a high chance I won't drink alcohol for a week after that."

Wooyoung hums. "Just pizza then?"

San smiles. "Just pizza."

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