1, family things

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General POV

"We're home!" Hailey says as they walk into the kitchen, where Voight is, all of them grabbing a snack.

"how was school-" he asks but gets interrupted by Jay and Kim arguing once again

"I've been wanting to eat this all day long!" Kim says as jay grabs the last chocolate bar in the fridge, trying to grab it from him as he holds it in the air.
"Well I grabbed it first!" He says as she jumps, in an attempt to grab it from him.

When she stops jumping to catch her breath he quickly takes a bite out of the chocolate bar, earning a very annoyed look from Kim as he eats the whole thing

"stupid idiot.." She goes her room as he laughs at her reaction.

"I'm not finished with you yet!" They hear her say before hearing a door slam

"... uhm school was fine dad." Hailey answers Voight's question as she takes a bite of her apple

He nods and looks over at Jay as he runs to the stairs, with a challenging smirk on his face.
"Jay, leave your sister alone." He says as Jay responds with a sigh
"alright.., alright fine."
He says before going upstairs, Voight shaking his head as he watches him.

Just some minutes later Jay comes running back down the stairs again, Kim running after him, looking not so happy to say the least.

"You are so dead!" She yells as she runs after him, the rest of the family watching them in amusement.

When Jay reaches the living room he trips and falls over a pillow, which is unfortunate for him as Kim catches up to him and hits him with the pillow, also sitting on top of him to keep him on the ground.

"You are gonna pay for this" she says, pinching his arm as he tries to get away.

"Ouch, That hurts stop it!"
"Not until you apologize-" She gets interrupted as their dad steps in, and gets her off of him

"Stop, both of you, enough."

"He literally came into my room, knocked stuff over and made a big mess for no reason! And I'm over him getting away with it." Voight let's go of Kim and makes them both sit on the couch.

"Jay, you need to leave your sister alone. And Kim, you need to learn how to get your anger under control. Now, both of make things up and leave each other alone for once."

They sigh and do what Voight told them to do before continuing on with their day.

After some hours

Kim went with Voight to do groceries, Jay and Kevin are gaming, Adam is on his phone in the living room and Hailey is doing her science homework at the kitchen counter.
Well, she's trying to, but she doesn't understands a single thing of it.

She let's out a frustrated sigh as she gets the same question wrong for the sixth time. Adam hears it and gets up, going over to her.

"What's wrong Hails?" He says as he sits down on a chair next to her, rubbing her back comfortingly as she leans her head on her hand.
"This stupid homework... I have to turn this in tomorrow for a grade but I keep getting the answer wrong. I've tried everything" She looks over at him

"Can I take a look at it?" He asks and she nods.

He takes a look at it "Ah, I see what the problem is. So basically..." He explains it to her and helps her as she makes the rest of the questions. After half an hour they've finished and they high five each other.

"You did it, good job." He smiles and she hugs him, thanking him
multiple times.
He hugs back, smiling as he made her happy.

After a moment or two they look over as Kim and Voight come back from the grocery store, and Jay and Kevin come downstairs as well.

They all look at Kim with a hopeful look, which she smiles to before saying:

"I got him to buy them for us" A cheer from everyone can be heard as they want to grab one of the mellow cakes, but don't get the chance as Voight gets them before anyone else could.

"After we ate dinner and you guys have showered and are ready for the night, then you can have the mellow cakes." He says, getting a couple of whines in return.

(if you don't know what mellow cakes are, they're basically a cookie with a marshmallow on it and it's covered in milka chocolate. You can also just look it up:)

Voight immediately regrets what he said as there's now a discussion about who is going to shower first.
He sighs as he claps in his hands loudly to get everyone's attention.

"Alright, the two girls are going first because they take the longest and will be done just about on time before dinner. The boys can go after dinner." He states and watches as Hailey and Kim high-five, and stick their tongues out to the boys before going upstairs to shower.

Some hours later

They all ate dinner and their mellow cake of course, and just relaxed for the rest of the night until it was time to go to bed.

Right now it's around 2.15 am, and everyone is asleep, until...

Hailey wakes up and sits straight up in her bed, gasping for air.
She's always had problems with getting nightmares quickly, but it's been getting a lot worse and on school days it's very exhausting.

She notices pretty quickly that she's not able to calm herself down, as she keeps getting flashbacks from the nightmare whenever she closes her eyes again.

She gets up and goes to Kim's room, which is next to hers, quietly closing the door behind her as goes in before walking over to the bed where Kim is asleep before gently shaking her, watching her wake up slowly.

"Hails..? What's wrong?" The brunette asks as she sees her younger sister standing next to her bed, not being able to breath correctly and letting out chocked sobs.

Her heart breaks at the sight.

She scoots over so Hails can join her in her bed which she immediately does, along with cuddling into her older sister when she feels a pair of arms hugging her and holding her close.

Kim manages to calm Hailey down by running her fingers through her blond hair, as well as rubbing her back and whispering sweet things to her.

"Let me guess, another nightmare?..." she asks and feels Hailey nod against her body.

She feels bad for the youngest, as this isn't the first time this has happened. Hailey's been having quite a lot of nightmares recently but they've gotten more severe, causing her to get panic attacks and almost no sleep.
It's also been a while since she's slept in her own bed instead of ending up in Kim's bed because of the nightmares.

She was tired, exhausted to be exact.

The lack of sleep making her unable to focus on school, as she ends up almost falling asleep in class everyday. But she didn't want to sleep, being way to scared of the nightmares as they feel so real.
She got brought out of her thoughts by Kim whispering something to her.

"Hailey, go to sleep. You need it.

Tomorrow you're just gonna go to bed with me straight away, because it might help you get some more sleep. Also, it's weekend so we can sleep in tomorrow morning. Just please, try to sleep some more because this isn't healthy for you..."

Hailey only nods, the tiredness taking over as she's already starting to fall asleep.

Both of them sleep in the next day, Hailey sleeping peacefully in her older sisters arms.

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