23. Protect the princesses

Start from the beginning

"Like Garcia said she's been stalking me and she hates me. We can't trust her," I said.

"Wouldn't firing her be against the game?" Hotch said.

"No Green Face said that Alice is planning on ruining me and taking me out of the picture so she can be me," I said.

"So he said we can fire her?" Hotch asked.

"Yes," I said.

"So we need a reason," he said.

"We made room for her on the team, keeping her on is a waste of money when she's not preforming at level," I said.

"Alright consider the call made, please send her in," Hotch said and I nodded walking out.

I walked down the stairs and over the Alice's desk. "Hotchner would like to speak with you Agent Miller," I said.

"Since when did you call me agent Miller?" She asked and I just shrugged walking away.

I sat at my desk and watched over the top of my computer screen as she walked into Hotches office and he gave her the news. She stormed out of his office and at the same time Derek came through the double doors.

Alice walked over to my desk and slammed her gun and badge down.

"Here you go chief," she said.

"I'm pretty sure those go to Hotch," I said.

"Save it Morgan, like Green Face said you are in charge of everything that happens with this team. You want me gone huh? Consider me gone," she said walking away.

"So what was that?" Derek asked setting some files on my desk.

"She was fired," I said looking at the files.

"Why?" He asked.

"Green face," I said.

"Okay, we'll do we have anything new from him?" Derek asked me.

"Nope, think we might get to see the girls for the evening?" I joked.

"Well shifts are over in two hours so if we don't get anything we should go get them," Derek said and he walked away.

Me: anything new or can I spend the evening with my girls?

Green face: you did get rid of one of my problems so I guess I can give you an evening with the girls. But the game resumes soon my agent.

I left him on open and gathered my things and Derek met me as the elevator as we went to go get out girls.

"Hey Nancy we are here for the girls," I smiled and she just stared at me as if I was a ghost. "Everything okay?" I asked.

"Well yes but why are you here for the girls?" She asked me.

"We have a break in our busy busy schedule and I would like my children," I half joked.

"Their aunt picked them up hours ago, she said you asked her to get them out of here for a few hours," she said.

"Their aunt?" I asked.

"Yes Agent Miller, she is listened on the paper work as friends and family to the twins," she said.

I looked at Derek and he pulled his phone out to call Garcia and we went back to the elevator.

"What's going on?" Rossi asked the moment we stepped off.

"Alice took the girl," I said.

"She did what?" Emily said.

"She took my daughter," I yelled.

"Why would she do that?" JJ asked.

"Because she hates me and I just got her fired. This is pay back," I said.

That was when my phone rang and the caller ID said Alice.

"Alice where the hell are my daughters," I yelled.

"Oh they are fine calm down. A little fun time with auntie Alice won't kill them. But I will kill you," she said.

"Is that what you want? Me dead?" I asked.

"Yes," she said.

"So tell me the time and place and I'll be there," I said.

"Oh one rule you can only bring penny because she can't fight back. I'll give the girls to her and then kill you," she said.

"Fine give me the time and place," I said.

"My place in one hour," she said hanging up.

"Y/N hell no," Derek said.

"You don't get a choice," I said looking at him.

"You're my wife I think I do have a choice," he yelled.

"She has our children. Better me dead then them," I yelled.

"I think we all need to calm down," Reid said.

"Not now Reid," Derek and I both said.

"I'm going," I said grabbing my gun and getting in the elevator taking Garcia with me.

A shocking little life (sequel to shocking little love) Where stories live. Discover now