17. Our girls

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Four weeks, four weeks ago I gave birth to our girls and in the past four weeks, they have kicked our asses worse than any Unsub ever has. Here we are, it's one am and the girls are yet again crying. It doesn't start out as both of them crying. First, one of them will cry waking Derek and me up, then the one crying will wake the other one up causing the other to cry. It's been a join let me tell you, the team hasn't been by since they were born due to the fact that they have had cases left and right. 

"We need to get them to sleep through the night. I don't care that they are only four weeks old," I laughed as we crawled back into bed from putting them down again. 

"Good luck with that, JJ said they don't start sleeping through the night until they are at least 3 months," Derek said. 

"They might kill us before then," I said as we both laid down and fell asleep. It wasn't long before both girls were crying again and we were both up and rocking them back to sleep. 

"We can't keep doing this Derek, you have to be back at work in four weeks. We can't have you exhausted in the field all the time," I said. 

"Hey we will figure it out," He smiled. 

"Before or after they kill us?" I asked. 

"Before... hopefully," He joked. 

"Not funny," I said. 

"It's kind of funny, anyways Garcia is coming over today to see her goddaughters so we will have some help," He smiled as we laid yet again back in bed. 

"Much needed, what time will she be here?" I asked. 

Derek looked at the clock that read 4 am, "She will be here around 8," He smirked. 

"Great that means two more hours of sleep before the girls wake up and then we have two hours to get ready," I said. 

Derek moved to he was hovering over me, "Or we could do something else with our time," He said leaning down and kissing me.

I kissed him back unable to help myself, "Derek as much as I love and miss this I'm exhausted and so are you," I said and he started kissing me again. 

"What better way to unwind," He smirked. 

"Very true," I laughed. 

One moment we were in bed and the next we were in our shower, how long we were in there beats me but we didn't realize the time until we heard banging on a door and we looked at each other. We looked at the bathroom clock and read that it said 8 o'clock. 

"Shit, that's Garcia," I said. 

"Get dressed, I will go let her in," Derek said getting out of the shower and getting dressed. 

I got out and got dressed wrapping a towel around my hair, I walked downstairs and into the living room to see Derek and Garcia with the girls. 

"So you were in the shower too?" Garcia asked smirking. 

"Yes, best shower I've had in a while," I winked. 

"Well of course, especially when you get all that in there with you," Garcia said gesturing to Derek. 

"MMMM I guess he's okay," I smirked. 

We spent a few hours with Garcia before there was a knock on the door. 

"Are we expecting more people?" I asked. 

"Not to my knowledge," Derek said getting up to open the door. Once the door was open the entire team walked in Including Alice. 

"Well hello," I said as I hugged everyone. "To what do we owe the pleasure," I added. 

"Oh you know we couldn't stay away from the girls much longer," Emily laughed picking up Victoria and JJ taking Lucy. 

"Well, I'm glad to hear you're here for me," I joked. 

"You look oddly well rested today for a mother of newborn twins," JJ smirked. 

"What can I say I think we got this parenting thing down," I said and Derek laughed. 

"yeah that or they got down in the shower this morning," Garcia said. 

"Penelope!" I yelled. 

"What it's true, I was knocking on the door for 30 minutes and when Derek opened the door he was still wet. Then you came downstairs with your hair in a towel, so you don't have the parenting thing down you were just getting down in the shower all morning," Garica laughed. 

"I kind of hate you right now," I said. 

"Actually it's cool for you to have a healthy sex life after having twins, it releases hormones that are making you feel as if you are wellrested right now even though you are both exhausted," Reid said. 

"So basically we will always know when they are getting down and dirty?" Emily smirked. 

"Oh my god, can we stop this conversation?" I asked and Derek laughed. "This is not funny Derek Morgan," I added.

"Oh baby it's okay, everyone already knows what we do. I mean we did have two babies," He smirked. 

"Doesn't mean we need details," Rossi said and Hotch laughed. 

"I second that," I said. 

We spent the rest of the day hanging out and the team took their turns holding the girls, come time for dinner Rossi insisted that he cook. So we put the girls down and Ross began to make whatever it was we had in the kitchen. While the team was downstairs helping Rossi I was up in the girls' room looking over them. 

"So when do you come back?" Alice asked and I turned to see her standing at the door. 

"Well, Derek comes back in four weeks and I will be back four weeks after that. The girls have to be 3 months to stay at the Headquarters day and night care," I said. 

"So I have about two months before I lose my job," Alice laughed. 

"You aren't going to lose your job," I said. 

"How do you know? With you around they don't need me," She said. 

"You will be fine, trust me," I said. 

"Fine, how does it feel now that they are here?" she asked looking at the girls. 

"I think I liked them better when they were in my stomach," I joked. 

"So Garcia is their Godmother, Rossi is their grandfather, Lucy J is for JJ, and Victoria Emily is for Emily. What are Hotch and Reid?" She asked. 

"Hotch is Godfather, if anything happens to me, and Derek then Garcia and Hotch will take care of my girls. Reid is the best big brother they can have," I smiled. 

"Why is Reid big brother?" She asked while looking at the girls with a sort of awe for them. 

"Well Derek and Spencer are like brothers, Derek is Spencer's big brother, and who could be a better brother/ uncle than Dr. Spencer Reid?" I said.

"So everyone has a place in their life," Alice said. 

"Well I think they could use an aunt," I smiled looking at her. 

"Who me?" She asked. 

"I mean only if you want," I said. 

"Of course, I would love to," she smiled and looked at Lucy and Victoria. 

"Well let's head downstairs and join the team," I said. 

"Well, where have you two been?" Hotch asked as we came down the stairs. 

"Oh well Aunt Alice was just spending some time with her nieces," I smiled and everyone got excited and hugged Alice. I watched and it seemed as if this was the first time she truly felt apart of this family.

A shocking little life (sequel to shocking little love) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora