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It was lunch break, halfway through the day, 'half more to go' you thought, smiling lazily while closing your eyes.


"Oh sorry there" you said looking at the stranger who you bumped into.


•  •  •

"You'll get in next year if you keep practicing!" you reassured Shinso.

He sighed, "come on, stop being so negative"you looked at him placing your hand on your hips. "pouting like that is going to get you no, where! ouch!" you placed down the blowtorch after burning yourself.

Shinso ruffled his hands through his messy hair. "I know I know," he said looking back up at you, "but it's hard when everyone keeps telling you your quirk is one of danger and villainy."

you inhaled looking at Shinso before exhaling and walking over to him. "Well, do you want to use it for evil?" you asked, resting your head on your hands. Shinso looked at you, "no" he said before looking away. "Then, I don't see the problem in you wanting to be a hero."


"no buts, ifs, or ands, if you have the mindset of wanting to be a hero, then fu** what other people think. You see all the kids here that want to be heroes? they're all here because they have the mindset of wanting to use their quirks for the greater good. It doesn't matter if you have an evil or heroic quirk. all that matters is how you want to use it. now stop moping, get out there, and train to show those bozos who were wrong" you yelled pushing Shinso out of the workshop the two of you were in.

"Kind of rude of me to just shove him out like that... but you know what it'll be worth it later on!" you said with a determined look going back to work.

•  •  •

"Y/N! Did you see me out there? Huh, huh? You think my babies attracted some companies?!" Hatsume yelled grabbing you by the shoulders and shaking you, "Y-yeah!" you stuttered out while getting dizzy, holding your head after she stopped. "Oh I hope so!" Hatsume exclaimed, hopping in place. "Speaking of which, tell your boyfriend he did a good job," Hatsume said before walking away to continue her work. "Sure–wait what?" you yelled, catching a few stares from other students. "Hatsume, no. nononono, he's not my boyfriend." you smiled as you began to nervously laugh. Hatsume whipped her head to you. "He's not?" she asked before mumbling a 'huh' and returning her focus back to what it originally was.


You rushed through the halls, having a task from Powerloader to get some papers about costume changes to the front office. You walked past the crowd of students trying to get to their next class. You bumped into some along the way, you apologized and kept going. "Y/n?" a boy said while you were walking away. You stopped and turned around. "Elbows?" "Sero" he corrected you. "right, right Sero. Do you need anything?" you asked looking up at the clock.

The papers had a due date. So you had plenty of time to get there, but the earlier the better was what was your motto. Of course this is different on the weekends. Sleep was very important to you.

"Hold up! I want to introduce you to my friends" Sero smiled, "This is Bakugo, Denki, Kirishima, and that's Mina," Sero said, pointing towards a girl with pink hair. She was really pretty. "Hey there!" She said, giving you a wide smile. Her voice really suited her. "Hey," you said, giving a slight smile. "Hey! It's like we're twins! With the horns I mean" Mina said, pointing to her horns then at yours.

You inherited the horns from your moms side of the family who had goat like abilities. Lucky you, you only got the ability of being that one person everyone stares at in a store. Woohoo. Not that you cared, let them stare.
Thinking back, you don't really remember when you started not to care about all the stares you got and started to use them to your advantage. Not really an advantage, but it really helped becoming familiar with everyone if you ever needed something. Plus you would be that last person the teachers would think about if someone were to have done something bad.

You hummed, "Ha, no way! Look at us! We could be siblings that got separated at birth or something like that! Ooo that should be a movie! I would totally go see that" You started. "If they ever make it, let's do it. If not, we'll just have to make it ourselves." Mina added, sticking her head up in a witty way towards the end of her statement. "Period" You laugh. 'Remind me again to why I said that?' your nose twitched. "Period indeed, my new best friend." The pink toned girl said wrapping her arm around your shoulder.

"So...are you actually Sero's partner?" A boy with yellow hair with a black lighting bolt on the right side of his hair and golden eyes to match asked.

You looked at him with a confused face, 'Does everyone think we're dating?' you smiled.

"Although everyone thinks that, no we aren't" you felt the girl next to you relax a bit. you looked at her. 'Did she like Sero, in a romantic way? Probably', you looked at Sero. 'Makes sense he does have a likeable personality.'

"So, you're single?" The boy Sero earlier introduced you to as Denki. "Um, yes...?" you respond, slightly raising an eyebrow as you gave a smile. "Oh! alright! cool! then, maybe we could go out and get something to eat?" Denki asked, your eyes widened a bit. "Me, really?" you asked unsure if he really meant what he said or not. "Y-Yeah, unless you don't want to! Which would totally be okay if you didn't" Denki exclaimed, trying not to make you uncomfortable. "I mean...sure!" you smiled, Denki looked up with his eyes sparkleing as the others stared at you with pure confusion. 'A human actually agreed to go out on a date with Denki?' they all questioned. "As friends, of course... we could get to know each other more!" you smiled. You looked around at Sero and his friends as they all stiffened their laughter after Denki getting rejected from a date date. "U-um... Yeah! Sure why not." Denki smiled.

"Hey there! Im Kirishima!" Kirishima said. Red hair, slightly tanned skin, red eyes, and a very lovable face. you smiled. "Nice to meet you, Kirishima!" Kirishima smiled, "This is Bakugo, those he doesn't really like people that much" Kirishima said pointing to a blonde haired boy with hair that looked...like an explosion? He wore a very grumpy face. 'He looks familiar' you thought looking at Bakugo. "What are you staring at, you damn extra?!" he yelled. taken aback you smiled before explaining yourself. "sorry sorry" you said, putting your hands up in defense. "it's just that you looked familiar" Bakugo stood face, dumbfounded. "what the hell do you mean you don't remember me?!" he yelled, you closed one of your eyes due to how loud he yelled.

The whole group looks towards Sero who was laughing, "Yeah, they tend to forget people's faces. You want to know how long it took for them to actually know my name?" Sero chuckled, wiping a tear from his eye from laughing too hard. Blinking twice you looked towards Bakugo again. "...that's not true, see i remember him, anger issues is right in front of me"
"don't call me 'anger issues'!" the blonde yelled, getting held back by the red haired kid named kirishima.

With the pink skinned girl, arm still arm your shoulders. She looked towards you, 'oh wow she's pretty up close' you thought arching a brow in confusion while nervously smiling. "Well, my bestie would never forget my name isn't that right? Tellem' bestie." She said poking your side. "Of course not bestie, cause you are my bestie, bestie" you said soon after looking to the side in shame for not remembering their names. mina smiled, "see, they remember my name"
"yeah right mina, they just called you bestie" "well that is my name" Mina said placing a hand into her chest moving her head to the right looking offended.

"anyways" you started prying yourself from Mina. "I have to get going." you smiled, apologizing you left Sero and his friends.


-It's you...                                    Sero X Non-Binary!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now