I sighed. It's wasn't like learning about the extremely boring scientific revolution in an extremely boring history class wasn't fun or anything, but... I think you get the point.

I crossed my arms over the desk and laid my head down. I really didn't like history class. Not only because it was boring, but because I was constantly worrying about Mr. Minecraft seeing my face. Committing who I was to memory. I wasn't too worried about being noticed for being late, I was usually on time, so he wouldn't care.

But I couldn't let him get a good look at my face. A good enough sighting to be able to give a specific someone a description, or even a name. I couldn't stand out of the crowd, or Mr. Minecraft might tell his family about me.

I knew that neither Tommy nor Wilbur would care. Tommy was a popular kid in my grade. He was pretty friendly with everyone and extremely clingy to his best friend, Tubbo, although he would never admit it.

Wilbur was a grade above me. I didn't know him very well, but I had heard he was nice to everyone, going out of his way to help others.

No, I wasn't very worried about them. They were popular kids, my presence at our school would easily slip their minds. But the last brother was who I was worried about. He was the polar opposite of his younger siblings, always keeping to himself. He was closed off and didn't have many friends.

Under different circumstances, I might have been able to relate to him. I could have understood how he felt and silently respected him. But I knew his secret. His secret, so similar to mine, that could bring him down in seconds.

Technoblade, also known as the Blood God in the illegal rings of Hypixel, had never lost a fight, and he was both feared and respected. But, most importantly, he had escaped. Apparently, he'd made a deal with the game masters. They agreed to let him out of his deal, to let him repay his full debt, as long as he came back once a year.

He didn't have to fight. He simply returned to make his presence known, to show off his medals and jewels. He was the game masters' prize puppy, and it was more than obvious that he hated it.

But his reputation didn't matter to me. What really bothered me was the fact that he could show up one day during one of my fights. I hadn't lost in a long time, and I knew I was following in his footsteps. I also knew that I didn't have much choice.

If I lost, I wouldn't have enough money to buy food for the week, and I wouldn't be able to pay my rent. At the beginning of my career, my opponents went easy on me. I was just a little kid in their eyes, so when they won, they spared my throat from their blades. But that didn't last when I started beating them. My competitors' all wanted the same thing, and they were willing to fight tooth and bone for it.

They wanted my head.

I was constantly challenged, the others fighting each other, just for a chance to take me down in the ring. So if, or when, the mighty Technoblade saw me competing, I had to ensure that he wouldn't recognize me. There was no way I was going to let my secret be revealed that easily.

"Now, I know some of you have been struggling with the material lately, so I am going to assign a project." My head snapped up. A project? How was I going to manage to fit that in to my schedule? "And although you'll be working in groups of four, I don't want to receive a single message saying that someone in the group didn't do their part."

Oh. My. God. It was like he was trying to condemn me. I sighed in exasperation and started listening more intently, knowing I couldn't miss the instructions.

"This is a relatively simple project, but it will allow you the opportunity to socialize and get to know each other better." Amazing. More social interaction. "All you have to do is go outside with your group and find evidence of the scientific revolution in modern times. Once located, a member of your group must take a picture of the item or items. Once you have taken your pictures, you will add short captions summarizing what is portrayed in your pictures."

A hand shot into the air, and I envied the girl's confidence. "Mr. Minecraft?"

"Yes, Leslie?"

"How many pictures do we need?"

"Good question! Let's go with a minimum of ten."

Multiple groans echoed throughout the classroom, but I kept my mouth firmly squeezed shut.

Mr. Minecraft laughed and said, "Come on, guys! This isn't that bad. You're going to be working with three other people. If anything, ten is too little!"

A few students asked some other questions, but I couldn't seem to find the willpower to actually listen. After a few minutes, I was drawn back to reality by our teacher telling us he was going to list who was in each group.

"Alright, the first group is Hannah, Nico, Joshua, and Colin. The second group is Alex, Lani, James, and Drista."

 Lani and Drista smirked at each other. They were best friends and each well known for being the sister of either Dream or Tubbo. I rolled my eyes at their antics, even if I knew that I was just jealous of their friendship.

"The third group is Tubbo, Tommy, Ranboo, and..." All three of them shot out of their seats, staring at each other wide-eyed. Ranboo offered the other two a soft smile while Tommy pumped his fists in the air and Tubbo tried - and failed - to conceal his laugh.

They were so overjoyed that they didn't even hear who the fourth person in their group was. And even if they had, I doubt they would have cared. They were too busy celebrating their luck when that last name was called. Too busy grouping together in the corner of the classroom, preparing to get together to work on the assignment.

But I wasn't too busy to hear what Mr. Minecraft said. I wasn't overjoyed, and I definitely did care. Because I didn't get good luck. In fact, my whole life could be classified as bad luck.

And the name that was called? That name was "Purpled."

Me, Purpled, the nobody, had gotten paired with the grade's popular kids. And if that wasn't bad enough? One of those popular kids just had to be the brother of one of the few people that CAN NOT know I exist under any circumstance.

I didn't think it could get any worse. Unfortunately, I was wrong.

A/N: This next part does not count as part of the fan fiction, it mainly exists to help you readers understand the story better, although it is still written from Purpled's perspective.

There were very few rules that the game makers actually enforced.

1. Never reveal your connection to Hypixel.

This rule could be enforced however the game makers pleased. Whatever entertained them the most. They could blame the reveal on whoever they wanted. Someone could shout that you had won a battle the night before, and the game makers would make the excuse that you shouldn't have let that person tell everyone. It was unfair, but, then again, nothing ever was in Hypixel.

2. Do not kill your opponent outside of the rings.

This, too, had many loopholes. It was very clearly stated that you may not end your opponent's life. It was never mentioned that you may not try to tire them out or beat them up before they arrive at the ring.

3. No foul play while in the ring.

Sure, it was nice not to have to worry about your opponent having a weapon beyond what was allowed. It gave a sense of safety that someone from outside the ring couldn't throw a knife at your back when you had your competitor on the ground. Unfortunately, that rule did not apply to the minute you stepped out of the ring. 

As soon as your last foot left the hard concrete of the raised platform, anything went. Which meant you could have been ambushed and beaten to near death. Or your opponent might have pushed themselves up for the sole purpose of plunging a dagger deep into your limb.

Hypixel was a dangerous place, and I knew that better than anyone.

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