Part 6-family Reunion

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Scene 1

Hela-"Hayden goddess of life my daughter"
Hayden-"no your lieing"
Hela-"follow me my child"
Hayden-"tell your goons to stand down and I'll do what you say"
Hela-"stand down"

The einherjar stand down and everyone is unharmed the army leave the building and stand outside.the gang stand up and Kate runs towards Hawkeye

Hela-"I wouldn't do that if I were you"
Kate-"I'll do what I want"
Hayden-"release them"
Hela-"even you aren't that important child. Taskmaster take them"

Taskmaster walks towards them Kate try's to shoot him but.

Clint-"Kate don't"
Kate-"I can't lose you"
Clint-"you won't I'll be fine"
Natasha-"Hayden be the leader I've trained you to be"

Taskmaster summons the einherjar they take cap, Clint, nat and fury back to the van and lock them up

Hayden-"so what now"
Hela-"send your friends home"
Nico-"we are home"

Hayden looks at Tyrone and he instantly understands what she is implying he grabs Nico and molly's hands takes them to the forest then returns and takes Kamala and Tandy to them then finally takes Kate, billy, tommy

Hela-"talented that young boy is"
Hela-"aw yes follow me"

Scene 2

Tyrone returns to the forest with Kate billy and tommy. Kate is enraged

Tandy-"she did what she had to so she could save us"

Nico walks towards Kate and hugs her Kate starts crying uncontrollably. The gang all look at her feeling bad.

Nico-"we will get them back"

Kate looks at Nico and she couldn't help her self she kisses her and Nico kisses back everyone around them stands awkwardly and they all start random conversations with each other Nico and Kate laugh

Scene 3

The van is driving on a main road the four avengers
All awake shaking all over the place

Nick-"what the hell is driving this thing"
Natasha-"I don't know but we need to get to the kids"
Nick-"she knows"
Natasha-"this will be the end of earth if she believes what ever hela has to tell her"

The van stops and taskmaster opens the van from the back and pulls out captain America's cage

Taskmaster-"orders from hela steve Rogers must be eliminated"
Natasha-"what no what are you doing"

Taskmaster opens the cage cap tries to stand but is too weak a member of the einherjar comes towards him and stabs him in the heart

Natasha-"cries-nooooo Steve noo no no no"

Taskmaster looks at nat and gives a cheeky grin"

Taskmaster-"back on the road"

Scene 4

Nico-"guys what happened to Alex"
Tandy-"it wasn't Alex it was one of those creepy things disguised as him"
Tandy-"well I've got some good news"
Tandy-"I know where taskmaster is going"
Kate-"what how"
Tandy-"there was a map in the control room and a warehouse was circled with taskmasters name above it"
Kate-"ok let's go"
Tyrone-"I'm weak I can only take two of you"
Kate-"ok me and billy"
Billy-"that's cool"
Tandy-"no your not taking billy he's too young"
Kate-"and the strongest of us all"
Billy-"Tandy it's fine"
Tommy-"billy you sure"
Billy-"yes I'll be fine I'll be back don't worry"
Tyrone-"time to go then"

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