Blues story

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Ink- sure! Cant wait to here yours!

Blueberry story-
Once upon time there was a little boy named jake. Jake was nice to everyone!

Error- what's this story even about?

L- let.him.finish.

Error- okay jeez.

Blueberry- anyways one day jake heard about a rumor going around talking about Bloody Mary you had to say her name 3 times in a mirror. Jake wanted to try it so he ran upstairs to the bathroom turned on the lights and lit a candle.

Error- where did he get a candle from??


Error- okay fine.

And said her name 3 times. But nothing happened Jake said it was lame then walked away. When he went to the bathroom and there was blood ALL over the mirror!

Error- . What?
error- ...

And then a hand grabbed him! Jake was nowhere to be found the next day!

Blueberry- was that sca-

Blueberry- oh. Looks like fresh is asleep.

Error- yeah! you didn't notice that.

Blueberry- no.

Ink- ANYWAYS how about we watch a movie?

Blueberry- SOUNDS LIKE FUN!!

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