Chapter 8: Love is a Battlefield

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(Y/N) POV:

I woke up, stretched and then smiled at a sleeping Ban. I began lightly giggling at the butterfly that had landed on his nose, and was flapping its wings in place. I took a moment just to appreciate how lucky I truly was to have him. He completes me, and makes me feel safer than I have ever felt before.

Realizing I didn't have a nightmare during my little nap, I let out a content sigh. As happy as that made me I wonder, lost in thought as to why not. I always love coming to the Fairy King's Forest, it's so peaceful here. It's where I met my best friend King, and it always calms my heart down because of how beautiful it is. It felt almost as if it was home to me, even though the fairies tend to keep their distance from me.

Probably out of respect to the fallen Princess, and King's actual sister Elaine. King had told me very little about his sister, but from what I understand a demon had attacked her and Ban, killing her. She gave the fountain of youth the Ban, saving his life, and making him immortal. Ban had loved her, before me, so I never really pressed either of them to talk about her, afraid to hurt them by bringing her up.

All of a sudden my demon senses picked up three auras. "Ban something is wrong" I shook him awake. He jumped up pulling me close to his chest looking around. "someone's here.....Show yourself" he sneered. All of a sudden Ban let go of me and walked forward, arm out in front to protect me.

A blonde child-like looking girl floated down from behind a tree. she was wearing a black dress, and glaring daggers at me. "So you're who King replaced me with?" She spat at me. Confused by her words I tilted my head at her. "My brother wasn't enough? You had to steal my boyfriend too?"

"Elaine" Ban whispered. I froze, my whole body going cold. Was this the same Elaine, from Bans past? The look on his face says it has to be, but she was supposed to be dead. "SHE'S A DEMON BAN!" She shouted at him, he was as still as a statue.

She was killed by a demon, of course she hated me, honestly if I were her I'd hate me two. "You slut...he's mine!" Her venom filled voice shot at me, as she began to approach me.

Ban stepped towards her, breaking out of his trance like state. "Don't you ever talk to her like that." He hissed, his shocked face turning serious. Calming his voice but not his eyes he took another stop. "How are you even here right now? Why are you here?" He asked her.

As the rage left her, a frown crossed her small face. "Don't you still love me Ban?" she asked "She may have demon blood, but (Y/N) isn't evil Elaine. She taught me how to love again" After hearing his words, the rage she had before returned to her face. She sneered at him, as she used her wind power to throw him into a tree. "BAN!" I screamed out, hoping to break her attention off of him and on to me.

It worked, and as she floated towards me, she began to smile at me evilly. "(Y/N), you know I'm gonna teach you not to take things that aren't yours." she laughed. "You think you can replace me? That the love King and Ban share for you will ever be remotely close to the love they feel for me?"

She used her wind power to throw me into a tree, then punched me in the face. "You're a demon! You're scum. How you escaped the sealed realm will forever confuse me. I'm saint, a martyr." She pinned me to the tree, laughing maniacally, knowing these words would hurt me more than any punch she threw.

The two other powerful auras I had felt earlier had finally made an appearance. Behind Elaine I saw a purple haired girl who seemed to be floating, and surrounded by clouds as if they were her clothes. Beside her was a giant man in red rusted amor holding what looked like a huge hammer, however the bottom of it seemed to be a sword.

Ban started to run towards me, in hopes of getting his crazed ex girlfriend away from me, when the man in amor sliced him in half. "That's her new man? A human? Seriously?" he laughed out to no one in particular. Elaine looked at me with such rage, it was as if she had saw me and thought I was the one who had sliced him in half. She looked over at Ban's body again, and then pulled out of her bosom, a knife.

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