The Gryffindor quidditch team rushed out to the stadium on the brooms and the chanting continued.

"Go, go, Gryffindor! Go, go, Gryffindor!"

The Gryffindor team settled in their place as they waited for the Slytherin team.

Nothing seemed to happen until a loud hiss echoed and vibrated even louder than the roar.

Everyone looked at the entrance where the Slytherin team was supposed to come out but there was no sign of them.

A loud hiss or screech of some sort emerged and the sky turned green. Everyone looked up in awe as a smoke figure of a serpent formed in the sky.

When the serpent was fully former, it hissed at everyone in the stadium, growing closer and closer until it came rushing at the pit of the stadium, bursting into a gargantuan cloud of smoke, leaving people unable to see.

One last hiss echoed and then the Slytherin team emerged from their entrance on their brooms at a speedy pace. Everyone on the Slytherin's side began yelling out 'Slytherin' separating each syllable.

Once the cloud of smoke evaporated, everyone saw the Slytherin team in a group in front of the Gryffindor team, the captains for each team higher than everyone else.

Abraxas Malfoy, the captain of the Slytherin team and the Gryffindor captain stared each other down.

Professor Dumbledore raised his wand to his throat and looked at everyone before saying:

"Let the match begin."



Slytherin had won by 20 points which made people who sided with Gryffindor, heated.

Abraxas ruffled his hair and was about to find Lilith before a voice called after him.

"Hey, Malfoy. What's those bruises on your neck, eh? Was your slut, Lilith, sucking on your neck again?" A Gryffindor from the quidditch team said as people around him told him to stop.

Malfoy looked at him directly in the eye and turned on his heel, walking to him.

"Upset that your bitch came running to me?" Abraxas cocked an eyebrow and smirked, making members on the Slytherin team snigger at the foolish Gryffindor.

"What?" The Gryffindor said in confusion, his grip on his brook tightening.

"Yeah, your girlfriend, Astrid, came onto me. Gave me a fucking love potion to make me have sex with her insufferable arse. Bet she was unhappy with you. I'm guessing you only last a minute. Maybe less." Malfoy glowered down at the Gryffindor who turned white from fury but shook it off.

"You better watch Lilith. You might end up finding her in my bed. Perfect body, that one." The Gryffindor scoffed as the other Gryffindors tried to desperately stop him.

"Don't touch Lilith." Abraxas threatened.

"Or what?" The Gryffindor taunted Abraxas.

"Or your poor, sick mother will suffer a horrible fate." Malfoy said calmly as the Gryffindor balled up his fists.

The Gryffindor quickly threw a punch at Abraxas' face but Abraxas was quick on his feet and deflected his punch with his hand.

Abraxas stared down the Gryffindor as he tightened his grip on his fist, twisting it so that the Gryffindor would cry in agony.

Lilith saw the scene and came rushing towards the pit of the field to see what was happening.

Malfoy spotted Lilith coming towards him and he averted his eyes back to the Gryffindor, feeling his anger rise to a breaking point.

Abraxas wrapped his arm around the Gryffindor's neck, holding him in a choke hold tightly.


Abraxas heard Lilith yell but he kept him in a choke hold, hearing him sputtering for air.

"Let him go, Malfoy." A deep and threatening voice said. Abraxas turned to look at who said it.

Tom stood tall in his Slytherin uniform. His eyes staring daggers at them.

Abraxas let go of the Gryffindor and he fell on the floor, gasping for air.

Riddle walked over to the Gryffindor on the ground, trying to get up. Tom pushed him back down with his foot and bent down.

Tom grabbed a handful of the Gryffindor's hair and pulled his head up, cringing at him.

"If I hear one more thing about Lilith come from your filthy mouth, I'll make sure your life is hell. You don't want to come back to your darling family and find them dead on the floor, do you?" Tom hissed in his ear and he got up, glowering at the boy and smiling in satisfaction as the Gryffindor scampered away in fright with the Gryffindor team.

Professors began rushing towards them with looks of horror, anger, and disappointment.

Tom saw and he pulled Lilith away from the scene, behind Abraxas' back.

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