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Today it turned out to be more difficult than usual to get to Taki's. The streets were completely filled with kids, and a few helicopter parents, who held up posters and banners stating statements like "There is no planet B" and "The house is on fire".

"I really appreciate the youngsters being committed to a senseful purpose." Magnus said. "This is so much better than lingering in dark alleys at night and then be sucked dry by a vampire."

"Nevertheless, I would appreciate it even more if they would demonstrate their commitment somewhere else. In Edom for example." Alec replied.

"You didn't just wish these engaged kids to hell, didn't you?" Magnus incredulously asked looking at Alec from the side.

Alec rolled his eyes: "I just don't like crowds. Or too many people in general. Especially strangers that block our way when we are about to enjoy our date." Since Alec became consul opportunities for time with just the two of them were rare enough. Especially when after work at home a pubescent Nephilim and a whirlwind-like warlock child were waiting.

"We'll make it through these evil forces together. Take my hand, my brave shadowhunter," Magnus said reaching out for Alec. Alec the heat rising in his cheeks, slightly embarrassed to be treated like a child, but took the offered hand anyway. No embarrassment would ever again stop him from taking his husband's hand.

They made it safely to the other side of the road. Alec's experience in avoiding demon attacks proved very useful for evading posters that were brandished a bit to eagerly. When they entered Taki's a table was already reserved for them. As always Alec chose his favorite and put the menu away to observe his adorably sparkling looking warlock a little while, who, as always, made a big deal of discussing the pros and cons of the various dishes.

"Mhh... so let me think, last time I had the Caesar's Salad with this delicious French baguette, so this time it should be something with fish... oh, no. It's Friday, so no fish... I am wearing a cream-colored shirt, which excludes the Bolognese... I would favor blood sausage in a lentil stew... uh, but then I know the vampire, who provides it... perhaps better not..."

After 15 minutes of one-sided discussion, Magnus resolutely put the menu aside and declared: "I will take a vegan option: baked wild mushrooms on beech sprouts with fresh cherry blossoms."

Alec raised his brows: "Are you sure? Normally you dissuade everyone from eating seelie-meals. I remember last time you tried one, you said it tasted like burned moss, on which a deer had lain itself for dying. Ten years ago."

Magnus raised his chin: "If you are immortal you learn to stay open for new things, Mr. I-eat-only-what-my-grandmother-knows. Besides, seelie-meals are the only vegan options on this whole gray book-sized menu."

Alec frowned: "And why does it have to be vegan out of the sudden?"

"Because I want to solidarize with the kids outside and reduce my ecological footprint. Though I think I am quite a climate hero already."

"How so? I think sometimes you produce quite an amount of hot air."

Magnus ignored Alec's affront and replied with a flourish that nearly spread the table decoration through the whole room and distributed a tremendous amount of glitter on the tables around them: "I invented the portals! Just think of all the CO2 that would poison the atmosphere if the shadowhunters had to establish airlines from all over the world to Alicante! That would have preponed the ecological collapse about 43 and half a year ahead. That the New York institute is not devoured by the rising sea level already you owe to me exclusively!"

Alec did not look impressed at all. "True," he said slowly. "But this benefit is totally compensated by the tons of clothes you use on a daily basis. Take me on the other hand: I wear my clothes until you threaten me to make them disappear when I am standing in front of the Clave."

Fun and Fluff: Malec-Texting Fictons and -One ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora