"You should wear it. It's the only thing I'd like to see you wearing right now," he mentioned, brushing a strand of hair away from your face.

You leaned over the edge of the tub, grabbing the ring from its safe place and slipping it back on your finger. "Better?"

"Better," he grinned, pulling you closer to him. "So...you really want this? You want me?"

You climbed into his lap, straddling him under the water and wrapping your arms around his neck. "More than anything. I wasn't sure I'd ever have the chance to get married and now I get to marry my best friend? What more could I want?" You glanced at the ring, smiling. "Ask me again."

He looked at you quizzically, rolling his eyes slightly. "Will you marry me?"

You pressed your lips to his, running your tongue along his bottom lip. Just as he opened his mouth for you, you pulled away, smiling. "Yes! Again."

A sigh. "Will you marry me?"

You kissed him again, more intensely this time, pressing your body into his. You couldn't help but pull away one more time. "Yes! Again."

"Marry me?" He whispered against your lips, grinning. This time, he kissed you, hands caressing the side of your body. You shivered as you pressed your body further into his, grinding your hips slightly. He gasped, breaking the kiss for just a second before smashing your lips together again. You could feel him throbbing with desire for you against your leg.

"Let me show you how much I want to marry you." You instructed him to sit on the edge of the tub, and he followed suit. You kneeled before him, running your tongue slowly up and down his shaft before taking him in your mouth. You gazed up at him as you bobbed your head, watching as he gasped and moaned at your touch. His fingers wound in your hair, his moans growing louder and echoing off the room walls. Before he could release, he stopped you, slipping back into the tub to kiss you.

He pressed you against the tub, fingers slipping all over your wet body, desperately grabbing at every inch. One hand slipped between your legs, thumb rolling over your clit and causing you to gasp. Hunter chuckled, trailing wet kisses down your neck. "I think my new fiancée needs to be appreciated too."

He lifted you up on the edge of the tub, immediately burying his head between your legs. You almost slipped off the tub as you moaned, holding on to him to keep steady. "Call me that again."

He grinned, looking up at you excitedly. "What, fiancée?" You nodded, and his mouth worked over you once more, only pausing to whisper the word "fiancée" to you intermittently until you came.

You sighed happily, splashing a little water at him. "We should dry off first, but...take me to bed."

You reached on the floor, grabbing two towels. "What? Are you tired already?" He joked, half pouting.

"Not a chance. Dry me off?" He rolled his eyes playfully, standing up and offering you a hand. With another heated kiss, he slowly began rubbing the towel on your body, starting with your head and making his way down your body, leaving gentle kisses behind. You mimicked his movements, your tongue dancing teasingly around his tip as you finished drying him off. He picked you up bridal style, carrying you over to the massive bed and climbing on top of you.

He kissed along your jaw, down your neck, and along your collarbone before looking to meet your eyes. "Tell me what you want me to do. Tonight is about us. We have our whole lives to be together but...tonight is special. I'll do whatever you want."

You paused, thinking it over as you drew invisible designs into his skin. "Mm...take your time with me. But don't keep me waiting forever."

He kissed you deeply, tasting every inch of your mouth he could reach before trailing kisses down, paying special attention to the spot below your ear that he knew you loved. A hand reached down, rubbing your clit in small circles as he kissed all over your body. When he reached your hands, he gazed happily at the ring on your finger, kissing your ring finger delicately. "I don't think I'll ever get sick of you wearing this."

You giggled, slightly tickled by his stubble against your hand. "I'll be excited when you wear a ring too. Then I'll know your mine."

He moved his face close to yours, grazing your cheek with his thumb. "I am yours. I wouldn't want anyone else. Are you mine?"

"I'm yours. I can't wait any longer. Take me." He kissed you sweetly, slowly shoving his length inside you. You two had had sex several times, but each time always felt so good, so intimate that it felt like the very first time. You never got over it. You couldn't help but want him more each time. Slowly, he began picking up a pace, thrusting hard and deep into you. He gazed into your eyes as he moved, picking up speed ever so slightly. You couldn't break your gaze with him, feeling so deeply loved by him. You could have stayed for ages like this, but tension was building in you and you could tell he was getting closer and closer to release. "Come together?"

He nodded, smashing his lips to yours as he thrusted faster, rubbing your clit once. He looked into your eyes as you both came, riding out your highs together. He collapsed beside you, pulling you into his body. "I love you. So damn much."

You curled up next to him, kissing his cheek and running a hand across his chest. "I love you too. So damn much."

Author's Note: This might be the last part honestly! I was going to do one more about a honeymoon but my inspiration to write this has dwindled a lot so the likelihood of me writing the last part is exceptionally low lmao. Plus I feel like there's minimal plot so they're a little redundant. Please let me know if you do want a final part, but I'm content to end it here! Thanks for reading! <3

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