More than a Fight

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After being with Hunter for over half a year, the two of you were proud to say you barely fought. Any fights you had had were relatively minor, making up easily. However, when he asked you to drop your life in your hometown to move to LA with him, that caused some serious tension. You were in the kitchen, the argument growing more heated by the moment.

"I can't just pick up and move. I have a life here, friends, a job, a mortgage. How could I drop all of that for a guy I've only known 6 months?" You questioned, arms crossed.

He rolled his eyes, sighing angrily. "So that's what I am? Just some guy you've been fucking for half a year?"

You pinched the bridge of your nose. "Hunter, that's not what I meant. I just mean 6 months is a short time to suddenly move to a different state for."

"But it's long enough that you expect me to fly up here every weekend to see you? Is that right?" He questioned, stepping toward you.

His angry expression made you feel...different, but you were too mad to really notice. "I've never expected you to do anything! I thought you liked coming to see me! Are you trying to tell me it's a burden to you now?"

"No," he all but growled, unconsciously taking another step toward you. "I'm just tired of feeling like the only one who puts work into this! I want to be with you but I want to make music too. And I want you to be a part of that."

You stepped closer to him too. "How dare you imply that I don't put any work into this relationship just because I don't want to give up a whole career for you. Neither of us should have to give up anything!"

Another eye roll. "Relationships need compromise. Especially when we live in completely different states! Why am I the only one who has to comprise?!"

You glared back at him, trying to turn away, but he grabbed your hips and held you in place. Pressed against him, you could feel him hard against your leg. You were surprised to find that you were turned on too, suddenly hyper aware how close the two of you were. You reached up and kissed him hungrily, anger still burning inside you as your fingernails dug into his neck. He moaned, breaking away with an intense expression. "We are not done talking about this."

He kissed you again, gripping your ass to pick you up and set you on the counter. He quickly pulled off your shirt and his, tossing both aside as he made quick work of your bra. He kissed down your neck, teeth sinking into your skin ever so slightly. You moaned, clawing at his back as he sucked on your collar bone. You reached desperately at his belt, undoing it and slipping your hand underneath his remaining clothes. He hissed slightly at your touch, biting your shoulder.

You slid off the counter as he pulled your pants and underwear down and you did the same for him. He pressed you against the counter, tip just outside your entrance as he kissed you again. Normally, both of you were more giving. You both tried to give each other head whenever possible, wanting to hear the other moan, but this was different. This was purely primal; a means to relief that you both needed before you could finish your argument.

He slid into you somewhat forcibly, causing you to moan aloud in pleasure. He thrusted hard and fast into you, his anger and arousal melting into one. He looked at you, eyes dark, but managed to speak. "I could take care of you if you come to LA."

You threw your head back, both in exasperation and pleasure. "I...I don't need to be taken care of. I can take care of myself."

With a slight growl, he pulled out of you, spinning you around and bending you over the counter top, slamming into you again. He leaned into you, hot breath hitting the back of your neck as he picked up a rhythm again, hard and fast. "So is that it? You'd rather be alone again than take a chance?"

"No," you breathed, fingers desperately trying to grip the flat counter and brace yourself. "I want you, and I want to be with you. It kills me not having you around. But I'm scared to leave everything I've worked so hard for behind just yet."

His pace slowed, anger slowly dissipating. He spun you around again to face you, sliding back into you slowly. "I don't want you to give up everything for me. I just want to be with you every day. I...I love you."

"I love you, Hunter. And I want to put work in to us, too," you breathed. He kissed you again, sweeter this time, starting slow, deep thrusts. You gasped, moving your hips along with his. With a few more thrusts, he came, breaking the kiss with one more moan. He got down on his knees, determined to finish you off before both of you fell gently to the floor, you landing on top of him. After you caught your breath, you looked at him, drawing invisible circles into his skin. "Maybe I could come visit you too, so it's not as one sided. And after I finally come see your place...we can talk about this more. There's bound to be jobs there, too."

He smiled, brushing hair out of your face and kissing you softly. "Yeah, that sounds good. We can talk about it more then. I love you."

"I love you too, Hunter."

Life With Hunter Hayes (Imagines)Where stories live. Discover now