Part 2 - New Homes

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???: We all were here so we could be adopted by people who weren't like them, even so it's not impossible they find us or something similar to that, but maybe it will be nice.

Kotoko: Monaca can you tell them to please be quiet?
Monaca: Monaca wants you two to be more quiet.
Masaru: fine I guess, it's not that much of a problem.
Jataro: I think Nagisa is asleep. So we should be more quiet.
Kotoko: he looks asleep, but maybe he's faking it.
Monaca: Monaca doesn't like that idea Kotoko.

A few hours later

Masaru: hey Jataro are you awake?
Jataro: yes Masaru what is it?
Masaru: do you think we'll get good families?
Jataro: I don't really know but I hope so!
Kotoko: can you two sleep please it's 3 am!
Jataro: sorry Kotoko
Masaru: fine I guess I can sleep.
Kotoko: what do you mean by "I guess" it's a yes or no thing.
Masaru: oh then yes.
Kotoko: thank you Masaru.
Masaru: your welcome? I guess.
Jataro: I don't know if I should wear my mask to sleep or not what do you guys think?
Masaru: no it might like bruise you or something similar to that.

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