Part 1 - Freedom

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???: We found a way out of our 'families' if you can even call them that they didn't treat us as such so we shouldn't either right?
???: NAGISA!
Nagisa: Yes masaru?
Masaru: we arrived at the adoption place
???: What's with the yelling?
Nagisa: Masaru is being well himself
Masaru: Really!? I'm just happy to not be traumatizd every day. Kotoko tell him I have a reasonable reaction!
Kotoko: Monaca and Jataro are already inside we should hurry up.
Masaru: Okay okay.
Nagisa: Okay. I'm coming.
???: And that's when it began our escape may have been completed but the scars were still there but at least we have a good home right?

Later that day

???: Masaru give me my mask back!
Masaru: Why? You aren't disfigured or anything you don't need it. We are here to escape our 'families' not listen to them.
Nagisa: Masaru it may be important to Jataro let him have it, he decides what he wants to keep and what he doesn't want to.
Masaru: ok ok fine take your mask Jataro.
Jataro: thanks Masaru.
Masaru: just don't wear it all the time if you do we may not even remember what you look like.
???: Hey, what are you three doing?
Nagisa: Masaru was being well himself and teasing Jataro so I intervened.
???: Monaca understands.
Masaru: I wonder why Monaca talks in third person, it's kinda weird don't you agree?
Nagisa: there is probably a reasonable explanation for it.
Jataro: Yeah Masaru we don't know much of her past maybe something happened to make her this way.
Masaru: I guess you are right.

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