If You Know What I Mean..

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Early November 1979:

Jaime and I sat in front of her vanity with makeup brushes and rollers. "I met a guy a few weeks back." I apply the black liner.

"Oh really, who is it" she opens her mouth to concentrate on her mascara.

"His name is Matti Fagerholm, I stayed a night at his house back in Helsinki."

"WHAT?" She takes her attention off her makeup to look at me. "And you didn't tell me!"

"Yeah yeah don't get all crazy, not like dating him or anything" I shrug "he gave me money to get a train here too."

"Ooo miss Sherry" she nudges "we gotta find him, I needa meet this man." I laugh along with her and finish getting ready for a day full of life. I wore a silver top with tassels hanging down and chains decorated the front with little beads as well. I throw on some red shorts with white stars and a black fur jacket over my shoulders that passed my thighs. Leopard print platform boots clung with delight to my feet, sharing an identical pair with Mack. Well why don't I mention the important part of this day, a gig! At a high up club that brought big names like Iggy Pop and Frank Zappa to Finland. The club was called Seppo Vesterinen, and I heard it was fancy fancy. It was owned by Seppo himself, he was a record producer from what I heard so this should be good. We've only performed at bars and shady clubs, we even rehearsed in the basement of a church.

"I'm excited for this, maybe this will be good for us" I walk down the street with my hair spiked at the top. 

"Me too, my mom used to work at this club" Jaime nods happily. We set out to find the group at a bar before we hit the club. Oh the city, where do I begin to explain my absolute adoration for the city lights. It was magical, like a little kid going to a theme park for the first time. Or watching the stars with your father on the bed of a truck. Everytime I step into a city I get a little tingle in my stomach that I could never explain, it was just happiness. When it rained especially, and you ran through the city streets with your friends or lover in hand. Life in all was just pure euphoria. Moments are hard but all in all you get to experience something so amazing. Oh I sound like a poet don't I? I'm nothing near the sort. I'm a rocker with a punk attitude, but a soft spot for the city.

"Macky mack" I wave my jazz hands to a table near the exit door. 

"Sherry Cherry" he waves his hands my way. He wore the same boots as me with an open silky button down that revealed his chest with loose dressy pants. Rings covered his hands and necklaces dangled from his neck. Subtle makeup made his eyes pop, he looked just beautiful. "You look great guys, gonna be the best performers there" Mack winks.

"Sure as hell" Jaime nods. She had curly short brown hair that ended in the middle of her neck. Jam wore tight, pink silky flares and a velvety emerald green long sleeve that was tucked into the pants. Heart patches covered the pants and black lace boots warmed her feet. Our outfits were just astonishing. Lenni wore an outfit similar to Mack with dreamy gold and back fares with a button down
 that swayed with every movement. Sami specialized with big hats and feathers for every performance, this band was just my life.

"Parties here" Sami and Lenni walk in with a little dance moves. I bet we all looked especially intimidating with those two. 

"More like two losers" Jaimie laughs. 

"Only you baby" Lenni returns. I could see Sami's face twist up, but no one could notice. Oh only if they knew. We sit down on the high top chairs and fill up with a few shots before this show. As chatter bubbled around me I thought of the song I wrote a long time ago. 'Oh Tragedy life reminds me bout, a symphony on the radio
First a little bit too fast, and then a little bit much too slow.' The lyrics play around my head and I hum a little tune. 

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