Sherry-gator... or Angel

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October 1979: 

I wake up to feel the October chill down my spine. The sheets were thin so it didn't help with it at all. As I stand up I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror with a bedhead. I had many layers in my hair so it poofed up, but it looked hot. I hated my appearance yet thought I was the sexiest person alive. In ways I resembled Sable Starr. I had a nose like hers and the same hair but just longer. But my eyes were almonds of a deep blue color, hell I even had the same face shape as her. But yet I looked so different, it was weird. Maybe it was the smile. After I found the brush from the night before and brushed my hair out, I set out to find Matti. "Morning" he turns around from a sizzling pan. 

"Morning Matti" I rub my sleepy eyes and sit on the couch.

"You can call me Makke y'know" he laughs, you'd say that like "Mike."

"Okay Makke" I laughed back at him "did you sleep well?"

"It was already, same old same old y'know" he nods but stays focused on what he's doing. "Did you sleep well luv?"

"Yeah I actually did, but if you snored any louder I think it would've been better" I smirk. 

"Couldn't be too loud, no one has complained about it before" he walks over and sits next to me.

"MMM but you did" I take the plate from him and take a few bites. He watches me pick out my guitar tune it real quick. "Any request Makke?"

"Oh uh" he taps his chin "play the riff to Eruption." I could see the challenging smile on his face, but this was easy. He had a small amp at the corner of the living room for some reason, but I continued to plug it in.

"Better watch out Makke" I warm up before I totally blow this man away.

"Sure" he smirks and sits back onto the couch. I start off with the song and jam my way through. I had taught myself this song a few months back. You bet I was as good as Eddie Van Halen, well maybe not. But I was still really good. Even when I didn't have shows, it was always such a thrill. "Whoa" his eyes go wide as he stands up.

"Cool right" I shake my fingers around to break the cramps that just gave me. Haven't played it in awhile. 

"Dude HOW" his mouth drops "you've got rhythm." Matti nods "that was just amazing." A sudden bang in the door startles me but Matti grabs my arm as a 'don't worry.' "Auntie, hey" Michael pulls himself into a cheery voice. What was I doing here? I was supposed to be on my way to Sammi's, or Jaime's. I race into the bedroom and throw my dry clothes on from the night before. I quickly grabbed all my things before Matti could even notice, walking past him out the door. "Wait" he grabs my arm.

"What is it" I turn around, swallowing a large lump in my throat.

"Could I atleast walk you through Kill City?" he brushes his hair behind his ear.

"I'm fine" I nod, foolish of me to say. "Bye Mike, it was nice meeting you and thanks for everything" I smile. I skate down the street, leaving yet another person behind. Oh did I owe him big time, may fate bring us together then. Kill City was a bad part of town, one I would have to pass if I wanted to get anywhere safe. Truthfully I wasn't gonna go stay with Sami, I just couldn't see that band yet.

I skate through the nearly empty streets of Kill City with my guitar clung to my chest. I prayed nothing bad happened to me, oh I wanted to be at least famous before I died. But I guess I could just die young, and stay pretty. I hear the growing sounds of the crickets chirping and some arguments going on down the street. I hear feet patter behind me and just ignore it. Just then, a hand grabs my arm and swings me around, almost knocking me off my board. "Could've waited for me" Matti catches his breath.

"Mike??? What are you doing" a few items drop from my hands.

"Oh c'mon, I wasn't gonna let you walk through here alone."

"Cringe" I roll my eyes "I can take care of myself Mikey, now go on, take care of your own self."

"Well, mah Auntie is giving me a week to leave the apartment" he picks up my things.

"What do you mean? I thought that was your flat" I pick up my board and walk beside him.

"No it was my aunt's, guess she didn't want a bunch of punk kids hanging round her "palace" as she calls it" he rolls his eyes. "So I guess I'm gonna end up homeless now" Matti laughs a little to himself, though I could hear a worry in his voice. 

"Don't worry, you'll be okay I bet" I smile, "you seem to know how to take care of yourself."

"Eh kinda, I gotta skill for shoplifting when needed" he winks.

"Me as well" I winked back at him. He grabs my hand when we turn down a certain street, the street with loud screaming and arguing. See Max, he was a stranger and cared more about me than you. I was still in a daze about the whole thing, I don't know why I keep talking about it either. Love was dead. It was time to let that go and move on.

"C'mon Mike, Chuck Berry IS the king of rock and roll" I wave my fry at him.

"Hmm I don't know-" he starts his sentence.

"Don't say Elvis" I shake my head "you should know better than that dancing fool."

"I wasn't gonna say Elvis, actually Little Richard is the king in my book" Matti laughs. "But you gotta admit Elvis has got some good songs."

"You're right, too iconic" I sigh. We stopped our broke selves at a crummy little diner on the corner, the only thing good about it was the food. "Question eight, who's your musical influences?"

"Alice Cooper, The New York Dolls, Led Zeppelin, Creedence Clearwater Revival, and of course Little Richard" Matti says so confidently.

"Y'know when I lived in England I went to an Alice Cooper concert" I give a little grin

"No way" his mouth flies open "you lived in England?"

"Yeah when I was little, till I was about eleven or twelve" I nod. "Then I moved here, my Finnish is great."

"Epäilen, että se on. (i doubt it is)" Matti laughs.

"Luota minuun, vanhempani ovat suomalaisia (trust me, my parents are finnish y'know)"

"I believe you" he quietly laughs. We talk for a while till it's time to pay and make our way out. "You got any money?"

"No, I spent it all on cigs" I shrug, "you?"

"No not enough but it's okay, I got it" he lifts his finger. "Excuse me while I take a piss" Matti nods. I catch on, nodding my head as well to his mischievous plan. After minutes of him absent I stare at the unpaid bill, walking to the bathroom myself. There was a small window at the end of the stalls, I could see Matti casually standing against it. I open the window and with the help of Matti we slip away with no confrontations. "Hell yeah" he high fives me with a little jump in his step. "Well I must be on my way home now, yeah make fun of my stupid curfew" he shakes his hand.

"Bye Mikey, see ya later alligator" I smile. 

"See later Sherry-gator, or should I say angel" he laughs, giving me a few dollars before he heads off. With that money I take myself to the train station, I know this sounds like some cringey movie doesn't it. But it was a shelter for the night and until I could figure out where I was going.

𝕱𝖚𝖙𝖚𝖗𝖆𝖒𝖆 ~ 𝗁𝖺𝗇𝗈𝗂 𝗋𝗈𝖼𝗄𝗌 Where stories live. Discover now