2. Who are you?

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School is boring. It always is. You listen to someone more educated than you spit facts that you're never going to use in the real world. It's dumb

"Hey!!" I heard someone yell to me from across the cafeteria, I turned my head inquisitively and saw Honey waving at me with their lunch tray,

"Hey." I replied bluntly

"Something wrong?" They asked 

"No just tired of all this." I told them 

"Tired of what?" 

"Tired of all the shit we're told to do, the expectations we're supposed to meet. They want us to do 5 hours of homework in 2 days ; days we're supposed to be taking breaks on. They tell us to be ourselves and never stop believing, but then they go and add dress codes and start telling us that "listen you're not gonna make any money from that it's also a very hard job you know" Like fuck that ok I'm just trying to be who I want. I don't care if I'm not society standard It's my life I'm gonna live it how I want!" I sighed briefly and flopped my head onto the table 

"Listen I'm really sorry you feel like that if there was more I could do I would do it but hey it will get better!" They replied empathetically

"Everyone says that though.." I muttered quietly 

The bell rang ten minutes later, unwillingly I got up and started walking towards my next class waving goodbye to Honey

*small time skip*

Finally the bell rang for the last time signalling the end of the day, I was so happy to get out of this hell hole. I packed up my things and headed out the door, I was walking through the hallways when I heard heavy breathing noises,

'what in the world..' I thought to myself; 'Do I check it out? ugh fuck it'

Strung by my thoughts I tried to work out where the noise was coming from, it was incredibly hard seeming as there were hundreds of students teeming to get out all chatting and laughing, I think one was even crying. After a while I came at a stop by the janitors closet where the breathing was louder, making sure nobody was nearby I opened up the door to reveal a small girl curled up in a ball crying her eyes out.

She suddenly stopped crying and looked up at me in fear 'Shit what have I done'

"Hey are you-" I could barely finish my sentence before she was up on her feet and running away

"HEY WAIT COME BACK!" I yelled towards her but she didn't stop 'ah fuck!'

I began to run after her, I had to see if she was ok. It felt like I was running for hours before I finally caught up with her, she was slowly down now,

"Hey! please wait up!" She turned her head around still jogging away and then I realised,

"WAIT STOP! LOOK WHERE YOUR GOING!" I cried out desperately and watched as she turned around and went flying over a stone curb. 'oh my god'

I cursed myself internally and sprinted for her, she was trying to get up but was failing miserably. There was blood trickling down her leg. I stopped in front of her and crouched down to look her in the eyes. The light was reflecting her golden brown pupils that were watering heavily

"Hey it's going to be ok, just breathe." I told her calmly as I sat down with her, she broke into tears and leaned into me for comfort. At first I was surprised but I put my hand on her back and comforted her. Eventually she lifted her head and sat upright 

"I,.... they,...." She couldn't get the words out 

"Hey it's ok you don't have to tell me if you don't want to" I smiled at her as she fiddled with her hands

"I'm sorry.." She said quietly

"Sorry? For what you've done nothing wrong I promise!"

"I've just been a nuisance to you I'll go thank you for the help." She then began to get up

"Hey wait!" I grabbed her arm gently and she flinched "Sorry.." I let go and she sat down again 

"Did you need something?" She asked

"You're not ok. Please what happened back there?" I asked her bluntly my tone was calm but my face was serious, she stared at me for a bit before speaking up

"It was a uhm, I had a panic attack.." I gasped under my breath looking at her with sorrow written all over me,

"These guys called me names because I stood up for a girl being bullied because she was a virgin.."

"What did they call you if it's ok?" I needed to know more. Not for drama sakes but because if this was serious why hadn't those guys been reported yet!

"They called me a stupid bitch, a whore, just a little slut, one of them said I was a mistake... I normally don't care about this stuff but the mistake one made all of the voices in my head come back and intrusive thoughts suddenly flooded my mind and it felt like I was drowning."

She stared at her knee and started playing with the dried blood

"I'm so sorry that happened. But listen to me when I say this. You are not a mistake ok you are not ANY of those things I'll tell you what you are you're a beautiful human being who deserves love and kindness ok, you did a good thing and if boys are going to slander you for that they're dumb fucks who need to get educated!" 

She giggled at that last part, which made me smile her giggle was really cute.

"Thank you" She said sheepishly 

"Of course!" I replied 

"Oh! do you need a plaster for that?" I pointed to her busted knee that had stopped bleeding 

"Uhm not really but do you have a cleansing wipe?" 

"Sure!" I reached into my bag and pulled out some wet-wipes and handed her one

"Thank you" I watched as she cleaned her knee up 

"Hey I don't mean to be rude here but uhm who are you?" She asked me politely 

"Oh I'm Christi I don't think we've met before!"

"Oh well I'm Tiffany It's nice to meet you." 

"Wait, Tiffany? as in popular girl Tiffany?" I asked astounded

"I'd prefer to not be referred to as that nickname." she said shyly

"Oh of course I'm so sorry!"

"It's ok"

"Well Tiffany if it's ok with you we should hang out more!" I suggested to her

"Yeah I'd like that" She smiled at me and we exchanged phone numbers 

"I have to get home soon so I gotta go sorry." I told her

"It's ok I'll see you tomorrow at school then?" She asked


"Ok see you then bye Christi!" 

"Bye Tiff!"

I waved goodbye and set on route for home, mum is gonna be pissed that I'm late for dinner.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2021 ⏰

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