chapter forty-five

Start from the beginning

They were about to respond, but another round of boulder came rushing towards you, crushing the surrounding houses.

"Hurry! Stay out of the line of fire!" Levi bellowed.

They all grabbed their horse's reins and ran back towards the wall. On the way there, a boy that you saw once fighting with Jean fell to the ground, covering his ears.

"Get up!" you shouted back towards him, but stopped when you saw Levi pull him up from his position.

When you turned around, Erwin appeared in front of you.

You almost sighed in relief.

"Erwin. How's it looking?" you asked, an urgent tone in your voice.

"Terrible," he answered. "His throws have destroyed the front line of houses. If he keeps on throwing, everything will get leveled... We won't have anywhere left to hide."

"Why don't we retreat to the other side of the wall?" Levi's face was normal. But, in his eyes, you could see that he was hurting. The amount of deaths that you had seen today was horrifying.

"No. The Colossal Titan is already heading this way. It's spreading fire all along his path."

You ran a hand down your face and gripped your cloak tightly in your hand. You were frustrated, tired and angry.

"Supposing we scale the wall to evade the stones, we'd have to leave the horses." Erwin had a distant look on his face as he spoke his next words. "If we retreat here, there's no hope for victory."

"What happened to Hange's group?" you asked, the question eating at your mind.

"Is Eren alright?" Levi cut you off from the next question you were going to ask.

"I don't know. But the majority of them were caught in that explosion. We've been dealt a serious blow. The Beast Titan directed the small Titans so our soldiers would group up in one place. All other Squads... Dirk, Marlene and Klaus... they were all wiped out."

You tuned out the rest of the conversation as the screams from your comrades racked through your brain again. You winced at the memory of all the blood and clenched your fist in anger. All this death... just get get stuck in a corner by some fucking monkey? Those Scouts didn't deserve to die.

"Our remaining forces this side of the gate consists of you new Scout recruits, Levi, Y/N and... me."

The thought that there were so little people left made anger spike throughout your body. These soldiers... they were only recruits.

All the recruits screamed as another round of bombardment came crashing against the wall, blood splattering everywhere.

"Erwin... do you have and sort of plan?" Levi asked.

Before Erwin could respond, a loud crash came from atop the wall. Looking up, you saw Eren's Titan form laying on his back, and he wasn't moving.

"Eren?" you asked, all ounces of hope gone from your voice.

"He got himself flung on top of the wall?"

Just as you were about to fly up to go see if Eren was okay, Erwin stopped you.

"Stop, Y/N. I need you here, remember?"

You squeezed your eyes shut, trying to focus on the task at hand.

More boulders came flying at you. More deaths. More screams. You wanted it all to stop.

"The Beast Titan has a good idea of where we are." Levi looked over all the fallen houses. "Erwin." Levi turned back to look at him. "If you're saying we've got no change to counterattack, then let's get ready to flee. Go shake the shit out of Eren until he wakes up. Go with him and flee with as many people as possible. That way... we'll at least have some survivors."

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