chapter twenty-two

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Last night, you and Levi went straight to bed in your temporary room. Now, you were both getting your horses ready to head to Trost. Aztec was a little fidgety. Only because you made a complete buffoon take care of him yesterday.

"I'm sorry, Aztec. I know. That guy who rode you yesterday was an idiot. I'll definitely make it up to you. I promise," you said as you stroked his nose.

He didn't do anything, which made you get an idea. You got an apple from your saddle bag and waved it in front of him.

"Who wants an apple!?" you chuckled.

He instantly took it from your hands, munching on it harshly.

"He didn't feed you yesterday? What the hell is wrong with that guy?" you muttered.

Levi walked up to you with his horse in tow. He looked at you and Aztec with narrowed eyes.

"Tch. I'll be sure to make that guy clean all of HQ when I see him again. He didn't feed my horse either."

You leaned into him and sighed.

"How long will we be riding for?" you asked.

"About an hour. Not long."

You nodded your head and hummed.

"Listen. I don't think you should be riding today. You could easily get dizzy and fall off Aztec or something. Ride on my horse with me. You'll be safer," Levi said as he looked down at you.

Your eyebrows furrowed as you looked back at Aztec. He just looked at you and neighed, nodding his head, encouraging you to go.

"What about your leg?" you asked.

"I'll be fine." He took your hand and led you to his horse. You got on with ease, but your head started to hurt only a little from the harsh movements.

To your surprise, Levi got on behind you. He wrapped one of his arms around your waist and reached for the reins with the other. This confused you, but it also made butterflies form in your stomach. His soft breaths could be heard in your ear and his body was pressed up against yours. His chest was pressed into your back and he moved closer to you.

He tied Aztec's reins to his horse's saddle and turned to face the front again.

"Ready?" he whispered in your ear.

You nodded and he kicked his horse's sides and it started to slowly gallop. It was early morning, so it was cold. You moved back, closer into Levi for more warmth. He just rested his head on your shoulder and tightened his arm around your waist.

After half an hour, your eyes started to feel heavy and tired.

Don't fall asleep, you idiot.

Shaking your head and rubbing your eyes, you did everything in your power to not fall asleep.

"You can go to sleep if you want, Y/N." You heard Levi's deep voice whisper from behind you. "I'll make sure you're safe."

His statement made you smile and you turned your body slightly to cuddle closer into him. You exhaled loudly and waited for sleep to embrace you.


Something warm shook you slightly and you stirred, not wanting to wake up yet.

"Tch. Y/N, wake up. We're here."

Hesitantly, you opened your eyes and looked around you. You had arrived at the HQ in Trost. Currently, you were in the stables. Levi helped you off his horse and ordered a nearby soldier to tend to them.

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