Chapter 24

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I am sitting in the lab while Bruce is running way too many tests and poking me like a lab rat "So you can't even tell me what this new power is?" I ask "Do you remember anything about the night we rescued you from the bunker?" Bruce asks looking up from the telescope "I blew it up, again apparently" I say "You did but do you remember how?" Bruce asks "Bits and pieces, i remember the energy leaving my body and fire. I remember there being fire" I say "And when you get angry, the earth below us shakes" Bruce says "Yeah but that's just my powers coming out of me" I say 

"Do you remember how you exploded the place?" Bruce asks "No. it just came out of me when i was really angry" I say with a shrug, he takes the needle out of my arm and I sit up "I have an idea" Bruce says and i frown "put your hand out and close your eyes" He says and i frown "Trust me?" He says and i take a deep breath before closing my eyes, and sticking my hand out with my palm facing up i feel a slight warmth on my palm "Unbelievable" Bruce says impressed, i open my eyes to see a flame coming from my hand 

"What the hell?" I say confused "It think we just found out what your power is" Bruce says "I don't think your powers were just Telekinesis" Bruce says "You move things with your mind, yes but i think you can control the elements" Bruce says and i laugh "Look at it yourself" Bruce says and i move the fire from one hand to another "How is this possible? How has my father never noticed?" I ask "He never wanted to run any extra tests on you. You were experimented on enough" Bruce says, i look down still playing with the fire on my hand 

"Do you think i can do this without you setting me on fire?" I ask "Yes but it think you need to bring it out first and you never have. Why is it that it rains whenever you're angry or whenever you want it to?" Bruce says "So i can control the weather?" I ask "The elements" Bruce corrects me "And how do you think i can bring it out?" I ask "We need to train you for this" Bruce says and i nod "Suit up and meet me in garden" Bruce says and i nod

I change into my suit and go outside "Bruce?" I ask just to be splashed "What is the meaning of that?" I ask seeing him holding a hose which is pointing towards me "Water is an element" He says innocently "So you splash me?" I ask "Focus on the water" He says turning the hose on "Okay" I say, i look at the water and my eyes flash electric blue i put my hand out and turning is slowly as the water begins to come towards me like a snake. I put my hand out further but it falls to the floor disappearing 

"Did you see that?" I asks Bruce happily "You were right" I say with a smile "Can we not mention this to anyone? Not until I can control it" I say and Bruce nods "Each week we can try a different element until you have it under control." Bruce says and i nod "We meet everyday at sunrise when everyone is asleep" Bruce says and i nod 

Week 1 - Water

Day 1- I wake up before Steve and sneak out in my suit meeting Bruce at the docks by the lake "The lake should help you focus your powers better, maybe by the end of the training you won't even need direct contact to the elements to control it" Bruce says and i nod. I sit cross legged in front of the lake doing the same hand movements as i did the first time, the water slithering towards me only to fall back on the lake 

Day 2- I have managed to get the water to touch me before falling back onto the lake but still moving it is the only thing i can do "Bruce" I say happily as the water touches my hand "You're doing it" Bruce says proudly

Day 3- Today nothing happened, my concentration failed me, the water would barely even get close to me before falling back onto the lake "I can't do it" I complain to Bruce "You need to focus, you think i keep my human form without some form of patience?" Bruce asks annoyed "You need to keep your focus out here or this will be for nothing" Bruce says and i nod

Day 4- "You're acting like a brat" Bruce says "The water is not fucking moving what do you want me to do?" I yell feeling some sort of strength around me just as a fountain of water falls upon Bruce soaking him completely "Did you just?" Bruce asks "I did it, i just dumped water on you" I say happily running and hugging Bruce 

Day 5- "You did it yesterday you got this" Bruce says and i nod, i take a deep breath and pull the water towards me. The water slithers around me as if i was it's master, as if it was trying to protect me from anything around me "It trusts you" Bruce says smiling

Day 6- "Okay but what if" Bruce says pushing me into the lake "Bruce?" I say annoyed swimming up "Tell it to get you out" He says and i frown "Just do it" Bruce says and i go underwater focusing on the water around me as i wave my arms around keeping me from going deeper that's when the water shoots me up into the air causing me to scream but catching me half way down. I look down and see that it has created some sort of tube to keep me from falling before shrinking setting me back onto the lake

Day 7- "We're going to try without direct contact, thinking of the trust the water has given you" Bruce says and i nod, i put my hands out, palms facing each other and begin to trace a ball. A small droplet of water appears in between my hands before transforming into a giant water ball "You did it" Bruce says and i smile before throwing the water on him soaking him once again "I deserved that for pushing you in the lake" He says and i nod laughing "We got water under control" He says and i put my hand up "High five" I say "No that's weird" Bruce says "Just do it" I say, Bruce rolls his eyes but does it anyways.

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