Klaus and Amity walk back into Alaric's apartment to finding Katherine sat with her legs bleeding. "Ah, you're right. This witch is all juiced up and aiming to kill." Klaus tells Katherine. "That's terrible." she respond. "We're gonna have to kill her, Maddox." Klaus says making their Warlock walk over. Amity looks through Alaric's closet "Do you think this Alaric guy has anything vintage?" she asks. Looking under the shirts she finds a load of weapons "Crossbows, wooden bullets and automatics? Who is this guy, again?" she asks. "He's the local vampire hunter." Katherine responds. "Ahh. Well, that explains the clothes." Klaus remarks. Maddox walks over and hands Klaus a glass of bourbon "All I could find. Guy likes his bourbon." he tells them. "I knew there was something about him I liked. There's a high school dance and I'm gonna need you to take out witch bitch." Klaus explains. "If she has that much power, she can sense me coming from a mile away. I won't be able to get near her. You have to do it." Maddox explains. "In this body? I'm a Haggard history teacher. She can easily hurt me. I mean, not me, Klaus me, but you know what I mean." Klaus responds. Amity shakes her head "what he means is that no witch could handle channeling that much power. It'll kill her. It would kill him. You just have to make her use it." she tells her brother. "You mean like provoking her to death?" he asks making Amity nod. "Won't take long. Just keep attacking her until it kills her. His body, Alaric's, will last longer than hers will." Maddox says. "How? He's human." Klaus asks. "I can help in that department. I can do a spell to protect you." Amity assures her brother. Smiling Klaus kisses her forehead before going to find something to change into.

Amity walks out of the bathroom and does a little twirl as Klaus looks at her "What you think?" she asks

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Amity walks out of the bathroom and does a little twirl as Klaus looks at her "What you think?" she asks. "Beautiful as always Little Sister." he responds kissing her head. Amity smiles and links arms with him "Shall we?" she asks. "We shall." Klaus smiles leading her out the apartment and to the car.

At the school Amity stands next to Klaus as two students walk over to them "Nice outfit, Mr. Saltzman. Totally far out." the girl says. "Thank you, Dana. Thank you. Now who is your date?" Klaus asks. "It's Chad, Mr. Saltzman, from third period." Chad says. "Chad, of course. How would you and your friends like to earn a little extra credit?" he asks before compelling them both. Amity smirks as the students walk off, Dana to the stage and Chad to the hallway "Having fun brother?" she asks quietly. Klaus smirks and gives her a subtle nod in response. Dana walks on stage and takes the microphone "Thanks for being here, everybody. We have a special shout-out tonight. This is for Elena from Klaus." she says. A song starts playing as Amity giggles "When can I have my fun?" she pouts. "Soon, promise." Klaus assures her as Damon walks over. "Special dedication, huh? This guy's a little twisted." Klaus tells the eldest Salvatore brother. "I'm not impressed." Damon responds. "No?" Amity asks. "Let me know if you see anything out of whack." Damon says before walking off.

A little while later klaus and Amity rush over to Elena and Bonnie "Elena!" Klaus says gaining the girl's attention. "What is it?" Elena asks him. "He has Jeremy." Klaus tells them. "What?!" both of them asks. "Yeah, Klaus has Jeremy. Come on." Amity tells them before turning and leading them out of the hall and down a corridor. "Ok, so where are you two taking us?" Elena asks. "Just a little further." Amity tells them, seeing Klaus smirk out of the corner of her eye. "What... Something's not right." Elena tells Bonnie. "Where's Jeremy?" Bonnie asks the siblings. They stop and Klaus and Amity start laughing "I just had to get away from that dance. The sixties, uchh. Not my decade." Klaus says making Amity giggle. "I mean, whose call was that, anyway? I much prefer the twenties. The style, the parties, the jazz." Klaus continues Amity nodding in agreement. "Alaric, Amity. Are you on vervain?" Elena asks. "Now why would you ask us that question, Elena?" Amity asks sweetly. "They're being compelled." Elena tells Bonnie. "Nope. Try again." Amity smirks. "What's going on?" Elena asks. "Ok, I'll give you a hint. I am not Alaric and Amity here isn't his Goddaughter." Klaus tells her. "Klaus." Elena realises. "Surprise!" Klaus smiles. "Nik, she doesn't know who I am though!" Amity pouts. Klaus smiles "I'm sure she'll work it out love." he assures her. "Oh, no. No, it's not possible." Elena denies. "Just relax, Elena. I'm not here to hurt you. You're not on my hit list tonight. But you are." he says looking at Bonnie. Bonnie throws him against the wall with her powers but he just gets up again. "Now, did I mention that I have a witch? You're gonna have to hit me a lot harder than that." Klaus smirks before rushing over to her. Bonnie throws him against a display case making him laugh "By all means... Fire away! If you kill this body, I'll just get a new one. Maybe Jeremy." Klaus smiles standing up again as Amity leans against the wall smiling. "Go. Run. Run!" Bonnie exclaims before she and Elena run off. Amity goes over to Klaus "Where to?" she asks. "How about the cafeteria?" Klaus asks putting out his arm. Giggling Amity nods and takes his arm letting him lead her into the cafeteria.

As Amity sits next to Klaus Bonnie enters the cafeteria "What took you so long? Now, do you want to do this the easy way or the hard way?" Klaus asks her. Bonnie breaks his wrist with her powers but Klaus just pushes it back into place. "The hard way. Got it." Klaus comments standing up. Amity goes to get up but Klaus puts his hand out to her making her stop. Bonnie breaks Klaus' shoulder with her powers making him groan "What? You'd kill your favorite history teacher?" he asks. "It's what Alaric would want. And he'd want you to suffer first." Bonnie responds as her nose starts bleeding. "Look at you. Is that all you got?" Klaus asks as Bonnie wipes her nose. "Let's find out." she tells him. As they carry on fighting Amity smiles when she sees that Bonnie's nose is bleeding even more. "Bonnie, no!" Elena shouts trying to get into the cafeteria with Stefan. Bonnie looks at Elena with a smile before falling to the floor. Amity grabs her brother and speeds the out the building and back to the apartment.

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