Avdol x reader (pt2)

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(Avdol POV)

'What is this... What's happening to me. Why can't I stop'

I hollar commands at my stand attacking (Y/N's) stand.

I just wanted to stop. Why can't I stop?! I'm hurting my love... My wife... My baby...

My stand went to ouch (Y/N's in the stomach and all I saw was her crumpled to the ground burns covering her.

'I did this... I hurt her... Jotero please stop me'

I looked to him as Star Platinum attacked me. Magicians Red dodged back and forth until Star Platinum threw an attack that he couldn't dodge that threw red back at me knocking me back

All I heard was one last loud 'ORA' Before everything went black

*A little bitta da time skip brought to you by Za Wardo*

-Still Avdol-

I woke up dizzy looking around


I pleaded hoping it was a dream

"Where's Y/N?"

Mr. Joestar came and sat down beside me

"We can't let you see her just yet. We don't know if you're stable or not what is the last thing you remember?"

"I remember..."

I looked up at the ceiling

"I remember planning supper with Y/N then getting a call from JoJo about you and then we going against some men then nothing... Then I'm at my house. I'm yelling, but I don't wanna yell... Then I'm hurting her..."

Tear flew freely down my face as I sobbed

"Magicians Red was pulled out but it wasn't me pulling him out. I hurt Y/N I hurt my baby... Is she alive?!"

I sat up and Mr. Joestar hugged me

"She's okay Physically. We think one of the men we fought used magic to possess you and bring out the dark"

"What about the burns..."

He smiled softly

"Don't be afraid my egyptian friend those burns were healed by Josuke's Crazy diamond. There is no damage to her or the baby."

I let out a sigh of relief and softly called upon Magicians Red and looked at him

"How are you doing?"

I asked my stand and he looked down sadly and I nodded

"You feel bad about hurting them too?"

He nodded and disappeared

"We will have to show that we are sorry.."

"About that Avdol... She's in a Coma"

I looked at him in shock


"She focused her stand on keeping the baby and herself alive. Burning up most of her energy... We don't know when or if she'll ever wake again..."

I choked on sobs and yelled out in sadness as I punched my head blaming myself

"I did this to her..."

Mr joestar grabbed my hand stopping myself from hitting my head again

"It wasn't your fault"

"I should've been more careful... I hurt her... She might die..." I started Hyperventilating as I tried to breathe properly and my surroundings faded

Jjba One shots and requests (On Hold Until 12-28-21)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя