Kakyoin x Reader

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No one's POV -in the past you're both in fifth grade-

It had been several days since you moved and today was your first day of school. You were scared but had high hopes. You only hoped that this school would be different and you wouldn't get bullied.

You walked into your first class and the room went silent

"Hello you must be Y/N! Come sit it the empty spot in the back"

You nodded and say next in the back next to a boy your age. He had red hair and a sad expression on his face.

"Hey... I'm y/n"

He ignored me and I sighed

×After school×

You started walking out of the building as you heard loud yells of pain. You began to run towards them curiousity filling you until you saw it. Four boys in an alley beating up the boy  who ignored you earlier. You hid beside the wall enterence to the alleyway as you listened to what they were saying

"I've told you this before freak! Stop dying your hair it just makes you look like an idiot"

You saw the main bully grab the red heads hair and pull out a pocket knife. You picked up a rock from the ground and threw it at the bully before he could hurt the red heads hair

"Hey! Leave him alone!"

All eyes were on you as the bully smirked

"What will you do if I don't? Are you willing to take his place since you're so brave!"

You gulped and glared at him as he walked closer spinning the pocket knife in his hand

"Awww you're scared now aren't you. How about this. You leave and forget this ever happened and I'll do the same"
You shook your head and ran at the bully aiming a poor punch at him which he easily dodged and countered another punch to your stomach. The other bullies grabbed your arms and pulled you down roughly making you yell in pain as the main bully grabbed your ponytail and cut it off

"Haha now you're a freak too! However I don't think that will make you stay out of others business"

He punched you in the face and aimed another bunch to your face when suddenly a green creature appeared in front of you and grabbed his arm throwing him back. The boy stood behind the creature and the turned to the other bullies

"Let her go or I'll break every bone in your body!"

They screamed and ran off crying. You looked at the boy your eye stinging as you lowered your head

"Thank you for saving me..."

He smiled softly

"You saved me first... I'm sorry I was too late for your hair..."

He grabbed one of the chopped off pieces of hair as it flowed through the wind

"I never gave you my name earlier but it's Norioki Kakyoin... It's okay if you want to leave... I know I'm scary and a freak..."

You stood up and cupped his cheek softly

"You're not a freak"

He looked at you and The green creature grabbed your wrist taking you as a threat. Your eyes widened as your wrist began to bruise and Kakyoin's eyes widened in shock as he yelled at the creature to stop and it disappeared

"I am so sorry-"

"What was that..?"

He shrugged

"I don't know... I think it's my guardian angel though..."

You nodded

"Anyways... Would you want to come play at my house after school?"

You nodded and kakyoin smiled

"Can I walk you home?"

You nodded once more your now short hair flowing in your face

×four years later×

A look of disbelief was cast on your face as you stared at your parents


"We're moving. Tommorow. Your dad got a great job opportunity in Cairo, Egypt."

"B-But Kakyoin is on a trip... He won't be back until Monday..."

"I'm sorry you can't say goodbye sweetie..."

You went to your room and slammed the door sobbing. You were leaving and you couldn't even say goodbye to your best friend... You puffed your cheeks and began writing a letter to send before you left and hopefully would get to him the day he got back.

-Meanwhile with Kakyoin-

He looked through the gift isle looking for the perfect gift but finding nothing until he came across a (f/c) soft comforter. He picked it up and bought it. He was going to confess his feeling when he got home in two days.

-back to you a day later-

You stared out the plane window and looked down rubbing your eyes that were red from sobbing. You prayed Kakyoin would get your letter and not hate you for leaving him.

-Back to Kakyoin the day he got home-

He opened his house door smiling before walking to him mom

"Hi guys! What's with the sad faces..?"

His mom looked at him and handed him an opened envelope with a letter and a picture inside it.

He opened the letter and began reading it

Dear Kakyoin, if you're reading this I'm probably in an airplane on my way to my new home. Yes you read that right. My parents got a job offer in Cairo and we had to move there before you got back... I'm so sorry... I want you to know that I wouldn't have left if I didn't have to and that one day I'll be back to see you and maybe then I'll finally be able to tell you in person how much I missed you and how much I love you.

I hope to see you soon...

Sincerely Y/N

Kakyoin choked out a sob as he pulled out the picture. His eyes went wide as he laughed sadly tears running down his face

The picture was you and him with matching black eyes and your hair was all chopped. It was taken the day after you met.

He hugged the picture close running to his room to cry alone.

Jjba One shots and requests (On Hold Until 12-28-21)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें