"Daddy stop hitting mommy" Melly sniffed with tears running down his face

"Wait daddy you hurting mommy" Melly tried to push his father off his mother

Melly didn't know why his father was hurting his mother but he was scared for her life along with his

Melly ran to the back where his sibling were

"Y'all come on daddy beating on mommy" he said

"Stop lyin" Star mugged him

"I'm not i know you hear her screaming and cryin" he mugged Star back

"He's right stop acting dumb and come on" Victor mugged Star

They all got up and walked in the front seeing their mother on the floor crying and no trace of their father


"I-i didn't mean to mommy" his voice cracked

He always put the blame on himself when it came to Brandon's death and so did his momma and sisters only person who cut him some slack was Victor here and there


"I didn't mean too mommy i'm sorry" Melly said with tears falling down his face

Melly was a sensitive child if we were being honest but he knew how to stand his ground

"Come on" Victor pushed Melly out the door

He grabbed Melly bookbag and gave it to him

Victor ,Victoria , and Star was grown but they came back to the house to check on their mother here and there

They moved out the house once Brandon died and got a slightly bigger house but that didn't change the fact that they were still struggling

It was just the little things that got better like not having to warm up the water on the stove

Melly was thankful for everything he got which wasn't a lot

They treated him horribly and you'd think it would've got better over the years

Victor took Melly to school

"Love you bye" Melly waved

His smile turned into a frown when Victor didn't say it back and drove off

Melly sighed and walked into his school building


"That's why yo shoes buylingo" Clarie mugged Melly

"Ole dirty ass" Bj pushed Melly into the cubby's

"Y'all cut it out"! the teacher said

Melly walked back to his seat and laid his head on his desk wishing the day could be over

"Hey" Brice smiled sitting next to Melly

"Waddup" Melly mumbled lookin at all the kids eating their lunch

His mother couldn't afford the school lunch for him since he had to pay and there was barley food at the house so Melly usually spent his days not eating

"I brought you some food" Brice said handing Melly a ham sandwich, a juice box and some chips

"Thank you" Melly said opening the chips

"No problem but i have a question"

"What"? Melly looked at him funny

"Why you always come to school with marks on your body"? Brice asked eating some chips

"I be falling when i play outside" Melly waved him off

"Oh okay .. do you wanna come to my house"?

"I have to ask"

"Okay bye friend see you at dismissal"

Skip to dismissal ..

Melly was walking with Brice and Lamar

Lamar was one of Brice friends and he was very nice to Melly

"No i think Gena likes me" Brice said

"Me too cause she always looking at you" Lamar shrugged

Melly was just watching his surroundings and engaging in the conversation here and there

A red corvette drove by and let down their windows

"MELLY MOVE"! Brice yelled getting in front of his best friend

The man let off three shots and each one of them pierced through Brice body

Brice jumped in front of Melly because he looked at Melly as a little brother and he knows deep down Melly goes through a lot of shit

Lamar ran away as fast as he could leaving Brice and Melly

Brice was already dead tho .. the bullets hit him in his chest

Melly stared at his lifeless body in shock— his only true friend was gone ..



thoughts ?

brice ?

what y'all think on melly ?

nikki or cardi ?

offset or quavo ?

vote, comment allat

bye fuckers❤️


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